How I Saved Your Dads Life

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Hi I exist and I'm back with another awkward intro hehe well anyway....

This is a Futuristic War AU kinda thing so, oh yeah and of course it's Shidge Trash so let's get Started.

"Mommy tell me the story of how you saved daddy" Robin, the daughter of Katie and Shiro said.

"Hmm I'll have to think about it, I've told you it so many times it will lose it's Specialnes- wait is that even a word? Hey Shiro! is specialness a word!" Katie started to say before quickly realizing her mistake.

"I don't believe it is!" Shiro yelled from across the house "Whatever" Katie rolls her eyes.

"Mommy tell me the story!!" Little robin squeals

"okay my little Archer it all started-"

Flash Back Shiro's POV

"Hey, Pidge!" I yell out, running through the grass.

"There are Galra coming in from the WestSide we're leaving to.. take care of them in a couple hours" I said hesitating at the end.

"Okay I'll be there in a minute" Pidge said with a smile

"Okay make sure you are or commander Iverson will be furious with you." I smile.

Pidge/Katie's POV

I sigh, it's always so sad when anybody calls me by the name "Pidge" it makes me sad that they don't know I'm a girl, and I hate lying to them I really do, but I have to in order to fight the Galra they don't allow 'Lady's' to fight in this war or something like that, and .. I kinda have a crush on Shiro but I've never told him, besides half the time I'm just trying to survive..

Time Skip Shiro's POV  (Due to Shiro's Hair Floof)

We just found the galra's camp for the night I'm leading a group of five people (including me) Jake, Carl,  Mark, Pidge, and Me.

"Their right there" I whisper, pointing at the camp.

"What's the plan" Carl are SharpShooter says

"Yeah we have to advance we can't stay here we're sitting ducks" Jake are swordsman says

"Shiro come on what's the plan??" Mark are strength says

I make a hand movement to basically say "Shut Up" because the Galra were starting to come towards us.

"Jake you go behind that tree jump out when I say Now, Carl get atop that bolder there, Pidge grab your bow and stand behind that other tree, Mark when I say use your Mini-Gun and just shoot any and every Galra, I'll be the diversion..." I command confidently before getting a little nervous saying I'll be the diversion.

"But Shi-" Pidge started to say before being cut off.

"Get going! go go go! their coming!" I panic as the Galra were getting close.

"Hey, idiots! I'm right here!" I said trying to agitate the Galra.

"Get him he's over there!" One of the Galra soldiers shouts, there were 12 Galra and only five of us we were in for it

The Galra ran towards, Me shooting at me while they were at it, I dodged most of bullets but one it went right through my arm.

"Ah-" I Hissed in pain, Galra were about 20 feet away and still shooting at me, another bullet hit my leg and before I new it they were right there I couldn't say "now" because I was body slammed by a Galra soldier, Quickly I stabbed him through the chest with my sword before slicing a galra's throat, but the Galra teamed up and took my sword from me, at this point I had given up 'I'm gonna die surrounded by idiots' was all I could think about. A Galra soldier lifted their sword I was waiting for the impact but... nothing came I cracked my eyes open and right there all the Galra were lying dead on the ground...

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