Happy Totally-not 4th Of July!

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Salutations friends I'm back! And I'm totally not doing a 4th of July chapter like what? *nervous laughter*
Anyway .. have fun- no that's not what I usually say, oops.

Enjoy! Yeah there it is


(A/n everybody's on earth btw. Galra stuff is over.)

Pidge's POV

I'm having a great day.

Just the best.

Slav is currently running around with sparklers accidentally lighting stuff on fire because apparently he's smart enough to solve the ultimate meaning of life universe and everything else (42), but not smart enough to put down a sparkler when they're filling all six of his hands.

Plus Shiro hates fireworks, and it's the 4th of July, and pretty much everyone is setting off fireworks.

So yeah, I'm having a wonderful day thanks for asking.

I walk into My (and Shiro's) new house hearing the faint "ahhhhhh's" coming from Slav and the "Nooooo's" coming from the other paladin's, but most importantly I hear a small whimper coming from Shiro's room.

I knock on his door softly. "Shiro?"

"Come in .." I hear from the other side. (A/n 🎶 just let me iNNNNNNNNN- 🎶 sorry I had to.)

I open the door hearing the soft 'click'

"Hey, you okay?" I whisper to the giant lump of blankets in the middle of Shiro's bed.

"Yeah j-just fine! Why? Hah- AH!" Shiro yelps when a big 'BOOM' comes from outside.

"That's why" I walk over and sit down on the bed. "Hi" I wave awkwardly.

"Hi" Shiro's muffled voice sounds.

"Why don't we look out the window? The Paladins are doin' some really weird stuff, I mean just look at Slav!" I laugh.

Shiro slowly pops his head out of the blankets and looks over at the window to see, Slav running by trees with sparklers in all hands (lighting them on fire), Lance and Coran chasing him down, Keith and Allura waving at the trees trying to put out the fire like idiots, while Hunk protects the food. Shiro snickers slightly.

"Are they okay?" He asks turning back towards me with a slight grin.

"Physically yes." I answer.

"Good, Good." He nods looking back at the window.

"Why don't we go help them?" I ask.

"yeah let's go do that." Shiro smiles.

Long story short, we didn't really help. More like watched.



I hope you enjoyed. I'm a terrible person and I've not been updating- *crys* so you get this 400 word long chapter.

Green-Bean ØUT!

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