Love at first sight

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Hi I exist. I'm back with more Shidge Trash.

This is like a real life? AU idk let's go

Katie's POV

I was just chillin on the couch watching tv at 1 in the morning, until.. I started craving sweet cold milky ice cream, I brushed it off at first, but I just couldn't go to bed without ice cream, I mean come on cookies and cream ice cream is delicious, so I got up and drove to the nearest gas station.

Time-Skip still Katie's POV(Due to cliffs.)

"Cmon, cmon, cmon, please" I said standing on my tippy toes, trying to reach the ice cream.

"Please I really want ice cream" I whined dragging out the word 'please'

Somebody handed me the cookies and cream ice cream, I turn around and there's a tall man standing there.

"Thank you!" I chirped.

"You're welcome." He mutters.

"Good bye, thank you again" I said paying quickly since I probably looked terrible..

After a while I got back home and sat on the couch curled up in a load of blankets and pillows as I watched TV.

"Hmm" I hummed eating the ice cream (A/n no this is not a Katie X Ice Cream OneShot don't worry that would be messed up)

A hour later and the whole tub of ice cream was gone, I was still hungry...

"Noooooo" I whined, sad that I ran out of ice cream.

"Fine, I'll just go get more"

Time Skip still Katie's POV (Due to Ice cream Rehab, your welcome Loops)

I went all the way back to the gas station it took an hour to get there. (A/n no it didn't it took 10 minutes)

I bought another tub of ice cream, I was walking down a ally since I parked my car a little ways away.

I hand suddenly snatched my purse out of my hand, as a figure in black runs down the ally.

"Hey!" I yelled, not daring to sprint after them as I don't know where the thief is going.

The thief turned around to run away, he got half way down the ally before he got punched in the face (hard) knocking him out, I look up and see the tall man from earlier.

"Hi" I said with a awkward smile.

"Hey" he said calmly and quietly, like he didn't just punch the guy trying to rob me.

"Are you stalking me?" I whispered with a puzzled face expression, this was my second time running into him. It's kinda getting suspicious.

"Wha- No!" He yelled just seconds later, realizing what I'd said.

"Oh okay, thanks again!" I grin, turning back to the gas station leaving him standing there.

As soon as i got back to the gas station i walked up to the cashier table{?} (A/n is that what it's called?)

"Excuse me" I place my purse on the table.

"Yes?" a long lanky boy with brown hair and blue eyes asked

"The guy with black hair white hair, grey eyes, and a scar across the bridge of his nose, does he come here a lot?" I ask curiously.

"Oh yeah, he's a veteran and has PTSD with a nice side of nightmares, so he doesn't get a lot of sleep. We see him a lot here." the kid replied somewhat sadly,


"Yeah, he come's here to get snacks, I'm pretty sure he's watched every movie in the universe" the kid says wistfully looking of into the distance.

"Hm, I thought he was stalking me or something" I said happy with the answers the -likely Cuban- boy gave me.

"Well. I better be on my way" I sigh.

Time-Skip still Katie's POV (Due to Horse)

It's been a couple weeks since the gas station incident, and I can't get that guy who saved me out of my head.

I've been craving some chips, so I walk to the gas station, yes at 1 in the morning.

As soon as I get there I see that the man who saved me was right there paying for... chips?

I walk up to him.

"Hi!" I say enthusiastically.

"Oh, hey It's you! I never caught your name" he greeted.

"oh yeah, it's Katie by the way" I answer with a sweet smile.

"That's a nice name, my name's Shiro, or Takashi Shirogane but everybody just calls me Shiro.." he grins.

I grab my chips and pay

"I'm going home, want to walk with me? I'm nervous that I might be robbed again." I ask hesitantly.


After walking a bit, we make it back to my house.

"Um, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the movie theater with me sometime?" He asked shyly.

"Yeah I would like that" I smile, internally celebrating louder than the 4th of July.


I hope you enjoyed, sorry it's short and it took so long to post o~o sorry if there's mistakes

(I have no regrets for anything)

Green-Bean OUT!

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