Texting Disaster

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Hi I Exist, and I'm back with more Shidge Trash... 

It's just me messing around O~O

Katie is 'PidginChild'

Lance is 'Sharpshooter'

Keith is 'knifeBoi'

Hunk is 'VoiceOfReason'

Matt is 'NerdWithAStaff'

Coran is 'SpaceUncle'

And Shiro is 'SpaceDad' (A/n Duh)

Also only some people call Katie 'Katie' some of them call her 'Pidge' 

Sharpshooter added SpaceUncle  

Sharpshooter added NerdWithAStaff

Sharpshooter added TheVoiceOfReason

Sharpshooter added KnifeBoi

Sharpshooter added PidginChild

Sharpshooter added SpaceDad

SharpShooter: Hi.

KnifeBoi: what is it Lance 

SharpShooter: nothing, I just wanted to talk

PidginChild: Hey guys, oh Shiro?

SpaceDad: yes..?

PidginChild: whatcha doing?

SpaceDad: cooking


KnifeBoi: Pidge hurry.... I don't know how much longer I can survive here, Shiro's trying to feed me whatever the Quiznak he just made..

SpaceDad: Hey! What are you talking about?

NerdWithAStaff joined the chat

NerdWithAStaff: hey guys, what are you talking about?


SharpShooter: Hunk, buddy your not thinking straight, it's fine calm down take your time to type.. oh yeah hey Matt, hunk was trying to say "Shiro's trying to cook"

NerdWithAStaff: oH nO, kEiTh iM oN mY WAy 

KnifeBoi: hurry... I can't survive much longer

SpaceUncle: Hello, I'm on my way to Shiro and Keith's house, I'm going to help Shiro make dinner

VoiceOfReason Left The Chat

SharpShooter: I'm at Hunk's house, he just fainted on the coffee table..

SpaceDad: wait.. if you were at his house then why were you talking to him in chat you know what.. forget it- oh no.. HELP

NerdWithAStaff: Katie just tackled Shiro, he was about to... feed Keith the spaghetti he attempted to make...

VoiceOfReason Joined The Chat

VoiceOfReason: hey guys I just woke up from my cooking-coma I'm okay now, as long as you stopped Coran from going to help Shiro cook..

KnifeBoi: guys I think Pidge broke Shiro, he's on the floor with Pidge holding him down, and he's really red , help I don't know what's wrong..

SharpShooter: ohhhh dang, Shiro! I didn't even realize!

SharpShooter: umm I gotta go guys.. Veronica is calling me..

VoiceOfReason: same... she asked me to come to

KnifeBoi: not me, I'm staying

SharpShooter and KnifeBoi's private chat


KnifeBoi: why

SharpShooter: we're trying to get Shiro and Pidge together!

KnifeBoi: ohhh, okay I'll leave 👌 

Sharpshooter: you better

Voltron Chat

KnifeBoi: I have to go?

VoiceOfReason:  Smooth

KnifeBoi Left The Chat

VoiceOfReason Left The Chat

SpaceUncle: I have to go help Allura with somthing

SpaceUncle Left The Chat

NerdWithAStaff: I have a... uhh DINNER, yeah dinner with.. Allura, yes dinner with Allura, see you guys later!

SpaceDad: Bye?

NerdWithAStaff Left The Chat

SpaceDad: that was weird...

PidginChild: you said it

SpaceDad: you at my house why are you texting me?

PidginChild: I dunno

SpaceDad: we'll in that case, want to stay for dinner?

PidginChild: NO- I mean why don't we go out to get dinner? 

SpaceDad: okay :)

PidginChild Left The Chat

SpaceDad Left The Chat

SharpShooter: hehe, my master plan worked 😏 

SharpShooter Left The Chat


Hope you enjoyed... it was short but sweet :) see you!

Green-Bean OUT!

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