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Hi I Exist, and I'm back with more Shidge Trash. I'm listening to Bury A Friend by Billie Eilish and I hate that I can't listen to music and write at the same time.. sadness... but I'm still gonna do it Hehe

It's gonna be a short one btw, Welp hope you enjoy!

Shiro's POV

Okay, I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna tell Katie, I can do this.

I can't do this .. I can do this?

I walk up to Katie's room, clear my throat, and knock.

Knock Knock Knock

"Come in" Katie mutters from the other side of the door.

(A/n my dorky self just stopped writing to dance and sing along to a song I was listening to- wait this is a good part hold on)

I open the door and step in, Katie's on her computer probably upgrading the lions or something.

"Katie. I have something important to tell you." I 'anime' sweat drop, getting ready to tell her.

"What is it?" she shuts her computer, tilting her head to the side like a cat, it's so cute- no! stop it Shiro, don't think about that, you're trying to confess you're never dying love.

"Shiro? Shirooo, Takashi!" She pesters, waving her hand in front of my face, bring into me back to the real, scary, world.

"Ah- Oh, sorry I was just.. thinking.." I jump back slightly.

"What were you going to tell me?" She sighs, used to me zoning out by now.

"Katie Holt, I .. like- wait what was that" I almost say before getting interrupted by a loud thump from a vent in the wall.

"I don't know" she looks at the air vent, puzzled.

"Umm, nothing to see here, it's just a squirrel!" Lance's voice nervously yells from behind the vent.

"Lance? Are you in there?" I ask.

"We aren't in here" Hunk adds.

"How are they fitting in that vent.." Katie wonders out loud.

"Not even I know.." Lance snickers.

"Maybe we should leave them alone guys." Keith offers, his voice sounds .. off? Almost dazed sounding, Hm, nothing to worry about I guess, he is in a vent after all, all their voices are muffled anyway.

"How many of you are in there??" I ask loudly.

"Did they kiss yet?" Matt yells from the back of the vent.

"Get out!" Katie stomps her foot angrily. "Why were you even in my room in the first place?!"

"Uhg, I should not have told Lance I was coming in here." I drag my hands down my face tiredly.

"Hey guys, did I miss the kiss??..." Coran asks, thumping his way through the wall over to the other paladins.

"No" they all sigh in unison.

"Uhg" Katie opens her computer up continuing her work.


(When everybody was getting in the vents)

"KEITH!" Lance yells loudly knocking on the door to Keith's room.

"What" Keith's muffled voice says from the other side of the door.

"Come on we're going to go eves drop on Shiro and Katie" Lance excitedly jumps up and down.


"Shiro told me he was going to confess his feelings though!"

"No! No drama!" There's a click sound, Keith locked the door, didn't he?

"Fine." Lance pouts?

Lance runs over and gets Hunk, next thing Keith knew his door was being busted down by Hunk, the door lands on the ground with a loud thump.

"Quiznak" Keith hides in his closet.

Hunk opens the unlocked door to the closet and grabs Keith, walking back out of the room to the others.

"What the-" Matt was about to say before being interrupted by Lance.

"Go Hunk! That's my best friend right there!!" Lance cheers, throwing his fist up into the air.

Hunk chucks Keith into the vents, while Lance cheers in the background "Yeet his no good mullet!" "That's what you get for asking for that horrible mullet at the barber shop!!"

"Yeah! go Hunk! WOOOOOOO" Coran says jumping around, I really don't know how he does that without throwing out his back..

Keith ends up hitting his head, giving him a bump on his head, also possibly a concussion, Hunk felt very guilty, and let's just say Keith had way to many cookies that week. Also an explanation for why Keith sounded so weird later on.


Welp that's it, just a fun little chapter

Green-Bean OUT!


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