Chicken Feet

19 1 65

Hallo my little buttery biscuits- ew . . Anyway, today I decided to write something for once. M'k enjoy :>

Vote plz.


SpaceDad: Does anybody know how to cook chicken feet?

CinnamonRoll: . . What?

SharpShooter: That sounds disgusting

KnifeBoi: ..

Sharpshooter: I kinda want to try it now, does anybody know where I can buy it?

KnifeBoi: no

CinnamonRoll: nope

SpaceDad: I'll give you a few ... For the right price.

ThatOneGuyWithAMetalStick: Dude, why do you have chicken feet?

SpaceDad: let's just say I know a guy.

ThatOneGuyWithAMetalStick: Shiro-?

SpaceDad: I bought it online. I saw someone eat one on YouTube and wanted to try it.

CinnamonRoll: what has become of this conversation?

Pidgeon: So, I tried to buy chicken feet as soon as I saw the first message, but I ended up buying them from this sketchy website, and now they know my address. I did end up paying 200 dollars for them too.

KnifeBoi: Why are you guys so stupid.

Pidgeon: .. I mean, it's not too bad, considering I hacked their shop and lowered the price.

SharpShooter: for the last time, where can I find chicken feet??

KnifeBoi: I still am not completely sure what's happening right now.

SpaceDad: Honestly, me neither. I feel like I shouldn't have even asked the question in the first place.

CinnamonRoll: you shouldn't have.

Pidgeon: I just found out the chicken feet won't arrive until next year. I've been scammed.

KnifeBoi: did you just now realized that?

Pidgeon: To be fair, it said 6-7 days on the website.

SpaceDad: Do you just want some of mine?

Pidgeon: yes please :(


I randomly found this saved draft, so I decided to fix it up a bit and post it since I haven't posted in 6 years.

Hope you liked it :)

Green-Bean ØUT!

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