I'm going to attempt to mask my failure. T-T

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Salutations gremlins! It is I, the hand that feeds you fanfiction.

So, my friend @ILikeAnimeAndImOdd *wiggles eyebrows* challenged me to finish one 6000 word chapter before Wednesday, it's currently Sunday.

So that's fun, anyway no more dilly-dallying, let's do this! *determined face*


Future Green-Bean here, uh- yeah, so I failed this, it's almost comical how terribly I failed this. Uh- I started this like- a month ago? Sorry?


Ayo, it's me, Future-Future Green-Bean , it's been 13 days since that other future me scolded myself ^ .. I'm not doing well on this challenge-


Future Green-Bean again .. and I don't want to talk about it-


Hahahahhahahahhahaha- Future Green-Bean, I said that ^ 24 days ago. I'M SO BAD AT POSTING ON TIME-


Dude, this is getting increasingly more concerning.

Shiro's POV.

I open my eyes to see .. nothing .. well that was anti-climactic-

where I am?

Are the Paladins going to be okay?

This probably isn't good ..

Am I dead?

Im dead aren't I!

I can't die right now! I want a refund.

"Shiro?" A soft voice calls.

I spin around looking for the bodiless voice. "Yeah?"  I look down and-

Oh, where am I again?

The voice sounds again: "Shiro! Are you even listening?"

"Yeah, yeah." I wasn't listening.

Green, and white flashes before my eyes, effectively giving me a headache as the voice chatters away, I attempt to listen to what their saying. ".. And then the rainbow- ........ -lked up to me, gr- ...... -crackers from my hand, summoned- ........ -his hand, and bu- ..... crackers, and then! .... like; 'Good ....... of that mold!' And handed Keith a new bag of cheese ...........;-ith the 10 foot tall anglerfish that- ....... -avalanche earlier."

Right, what on earth did they just say? Well, I have no idea what to do. "Yeah .. that's, nice?"

"You weren't even listening were you?" A small pitter-patter noise sounds, repeating itself in a "Tip Tap Tip Tap" motion over, and over again.

Huh? I still don't know where I am, I ask this question once again, am I dea...

The blurred colors clear up, and the indistinguishable noises become distinguishable, as I very clearly see, and hear the angry gremlin with sparkly green eyes yelling in my face, so I respond to this predicament with the most logical reply.



Pidge's POV.

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