Late night cuddles.. and Coffee

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Hi I Exist, and I'm back with more Shidge Trash, let's gooooo!

Plz Vote, it's my motivation.. Just kidding, I don't care do whatever you want!

But again plz vote...

Katie's POV

Sooooooo tired, need sleep... NO I don't need sleep. Sleep is for weaklings. I have coffee!! Delicious coffee, my brain juice .. wait, where's my coffee?? How did I drink it all that fast?!?!

Need coffee.." I say as I walk through the castle of lions to the kitchen.

I walk into the kitchen and I see Shiro sitting at the table drinking coffee- wait coffee? MINE.

"Hey Pid-"

"AGGHHHHH" I yell jumping on Shiro.

Shiro's POV

I had another nightmare, it's like what.. 3 in the morning! And I went to bed at 11!!

I can't keep doing this, it's not like it's effecting my performance out in the field, but still. Anyway, right now I'm going around the castle to make sure everybody's asleep, as I'm not the only one with sleeping problems, I'm honestly surprised Keith wasn't in the training room.

Now that I've done that, I'm going to go grab something to drink.

I sit down at the table with my coffee, thinking about.. stuff, I'm not thinking about.. Pidge or anythin- oh hey Pidge just walked in, what a coincidence.

"Hey Pid-" I start before immediately being cut off and jumped at by the small gremlin.

"AAAGGGHHH" Pidge screeches, I imagine if she was a cat, her claws would be sheathed and ready to rip my face to shred. And that's just judging by the look on her face.

"Woah!" I yelp jumping out of the way.

"Give it!!" She yells trying to grab the coffee in my hands.

"Woah, woah calm down, I just made this! You can't take it from me." I whine raising the mug higher up in the air.

"Fine .. but you better watch your back." she mumbles walking backwards over to the kitchen and starting up the coffee machine.

"Oookay .." I take a sip of my -now luke warm- beverage.

We sit in comfortable silence for a few minutes as Pidge makes her coffee.

"What are you doing up anyway?" I ask, breaking the silence.

"Drinking coffee" she deadpans taking a sip.

"I meant before that.." I roll my eyes.

"Oh, upgrading the lions" she shrugs, grabbing her coffee since its done brewing.

"You really should be sleeping." I mutter.

"Sleep is for the weak!" She yells standing on the counter.

"Get down from there!" I scold picking her up and putting her back on the floor.

"Nooooooo" Pidge says waving her arms all around like a crazy person.

"Come on, let's sleep, you've had was to much caffeine." I say picking her up.


"I have coffee!!" She screeches trying to jump out of my arms.

"Oh, right you probably won't go to sleep now.. you've had like a gallon of coffee..." I realize looking around like a solution is just gonna appear out of thin air.

"Well, I guess we'll just hang out on the couch until you fall asleep." I sigh before making the long and lonesome trek to the couch.

Katie's POV

Shiro takes me to the living room and sets me on the couch, he just left saying he'll be back soon, he comes back with like 9 blankets.

"That's a lot of blankets." I eye the blankets with suspicion. I get a bit weird when I'm high on caffeine, so don't judge me judging the blankets.

"Yeah, gotta keep you warm" Shiro smiles warmly.

Shiro lays all the blankets on us, snuggling in close as I sigh in contentment. After around 20 minutes I start feeling drowsy, finally my eyes close slip shut. Barely conscious but still there.

"Hey, you awake?" Shiro asks, I was about to answer but he started taking before I could respond.

"Love you, sleep well."

"Love ya to!" I chirp.

"Wha- I could've said something really embarrassing and you would've just listened! Next time I won't tell you anything while your asleep."


Hope you enjoyed!

Green-Bean OUT!


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