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The open wound of Ben's death sat heavily on my heart. The problem was, that the only person that could make me feel better was the one that wasn't here anymore.

I tried to not show my sadness, because May and Peter had to be feeling a million times worse. I knew that I wasn't related to him, but it still burned.

Today we went to school. I thought Flash would be meaner to Peter, but, surprisingly, he has a heart. He came over to apologize to me after P went to class.

"Look, Chelsea," He said, looking at the floor. "I'll leave you and your boy alone."

I nodded and sniffled. "Thank you, Flash." I said simply, not having the energy for a fight.

"And I'm sorry." He apologized and walked away.

When I got home that day, I did my homework. I was on autopilot these days, but I'm still feeling better than before. Now, there are times during the day where I can actually feel happy.

It still stings but I am smiling. My mom felt horrible, but my father had no reaction.

He nodded. "Okay. Hope Peter is okay." He shrugged and turned back to his computer.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Okay? How can you be so calm after Ben got shot?"

"I was never close with him, sweetheart. Of course I feel bad, but life goes on."

"Fuck you, dad." I said harshly. "Ben was more of a father than you ever were. And you can act like a dad once every week at breakfast, but you will never be like him."

He just laughed under his breath and shot a warning look to my mother. She shook her head. "Now, Chelsea, we both know your father and I work so we can provide everything for you. Your father works with founders of very important companies."

I just rolled my eyes. Can't they see how much being at work affects me? I just wish for once she didn't come up with an excuse for it.

"I have to go to work." He stood up and kissed my mol goodbye. "Call me when she calms down." Father said and walked to the elevator.

"Chelsea, you can't speak to us that way." She said and walked to the elevator, too. "I have work as well. Sorry, honey."

With that I was alone again. I wanted to call Peter, but he needs time to mourn. Just as I was going to walk to the kitchen, I noticed a loose piece of paper on the floor.

It must have fallen from my dad's briefcase that he carries around. I leaned down to pick it up and put it in his office, when I noticed the contents of the paper.


Peter Parker /17/

Subject of study: Richard Parker's experiments. Only blood.

Richard Parker, scientist, partner of Curtis Connors, expert at Oscorp.

Parker lives with aunt and uncle. Parents die in a plane crash. Was suspended for humiliation of peers.

It was simple information, but my father doesn't have any reason to have that written in an Oscorp paper. I dropped the paper on the table. What was this page of Peter's information? Why did my father have it?

I don't understand how he got all of that information. I decided to ask him when he comes back. 

I waited patiently at the house for my dad. He had a record of coming home late, but I had to stay up.

I poured myself some coffee from my machine and sat at the table. I had the file in one hand and Peter on speed dial on the other.

I decided to call him, I hadn't heard from him all day. "Hey, Peter." I said as the call connected.

"Hey." He responded, he sounded out of breath.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "You okay? You sound out of breath."

"Oh, yeah." He replied, not giving me an explanation. From his line I could hear shouts, not bad ones, but the ones you hear when people are fighting.

"Where are you?" I asked, now curious.

"Um, I am running some errands. I need to get some eggs." He said, but sounded distracted. That's when I heard someone call another a punk. "I have to go. Call me later?"

"Yes. Bye."

"Bye. Love you." He said and hung up.

I tried not to dwell on him saying I love you. I mean, I say I love you to him all the time, but he doesn't know the impact it has on me.

I waited for about an hour before my dad came home. He was carrying his briefcase and a new file. He stopped when he noticed me on the table.

"I am not in the mood to fight, sweetheart." He said and cleared his throat.

"I don't want to fight." I explained, he sighed. "I just want you to tell me why you have a file with Peter's information addressed to Oscorp."

This shocked him, seeing as his eyes opened wide and he dropped his suitcase. He tried to play it off with a chuckle. "That's because his dad worked there. Nothing to worry about."

"Well, he's my best friend. So you better explain what all of this is." I said sternly. I was not in the mood for game playing.

"It is for a theory we have, but it doesn't affect Peter. We just needed some information."

This answer didn't please me, but I knew he wasn't going to say anything else. I stood up, with the paper still in hand.

"If you hurt Peter, I will dig up something so bad about you, that even mom won't stand you."

He made a strangling sound with his throat and brushed away into him and my mother's room. I went into mine, finally getting some sleep.

Before I laid down, I put the paper inside a shoe in my closet, so that he couldn't find it and throw it away.

After that, I woke up a few times, worried about Peter's phone call. I was so tired, that ultimately, I fell asleep for good.

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