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Gwen's laugh filled the kitchen as we baked cookies. I had flour all over my outfit and my hair; Gwen had the residue of an egg cracked on her head.

I haven't been feeling the best these weeks without Peter. I tried to keep him out of my mind, but he just seeped in. He has been in my life every day since I was a child, so the drastic change of not seeing him for two weeks is challenging.

I have been keeping up with the new articles about Spider-man, mostly because I'm nosy. The whole electro situation has gotten worse now that Harry Osborn is added to the mix. I can't imagine the stress Peter is feeling right now.

Gwen keeps contact with him, so she tells me how he is. She says that he seems anxious and sad, but for the most part he's healthy.

Nobody knows this yet, but I decided to leave for Italy tomorrow. The only thing keeping me in this city is Gwen and, frankly, I don't want to bump into Peter. I know it's petty, I just can't face him, still.

I'm going to call him tomorrow to say goodbye because I have to see him one last time. Maybe it's not good for us, but he's P.P., I will always love him.

"Hey, Gwen." I cleared my throat, earning her attention away from the batter. "I'm leaving for Italy tomorrow."

Her eyes widened at my statement. "What?" She shouted. "Weren't you leaving in a month?"

I nodded, noticing that I killed the mood. "Yes, but I thought that getting there early would benefit me."

"Is this about Peter?" Gwen asked with a sympathetic look on her face. "I know the breakup hurts, but this is your city. You ran New York, you can't leave so quickly."

"I can't face him, Gwen." I stare at the floor because my eyes are filling with tears. "I can't stand the sight of anything that has to do with him. The other day I found his hoodie in my closet and I threw it down the garbage shoot. I don't think that's healthy."

She wrapped a dirty arm around me. "I can't imagine losing your best friend and your boyfriend, but I can say that you deserve to do what makes you happy. Whether that be leaving or confronting him, I am behind you with any decision you make."

I wiped my nose, at this point I was sobbing. "Jesus, you really know what to say." I laughed under my breath.

Gwen kissed my forehead and pulled away. "Well, I have a date tonight, so I have to leave and wash off this mess." She motions to her clothes that are grimy from our failed attempt at baking.

I walked her to the door, hugging her before she stepped onto the elevator. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do, lovebird!" I announce before the door closes.

I have a decision to make, talk to Peter or leave without saying goodbye. I don't think I'm ready to see him, but I also can't leave without at least informing him.

I am leaving a whole part of my life behind, Peter included. I have come to terms with leaving the city, but Peter is way too difficult.

Before I can think about it too much, I text him.

Sorry to text you, but I am leaving for Italy tomorrow and I couldn't leave without saying goodbye. If you don't want to meet, then it is understandable.

Hello, I would love to meet up before you leave. How about at 5 at that cafe you like next to the Brooklyn bridge?

Okay, see you there.

Now that that is out of the way, I start getting ready.


I will probably update more this week! Also, make sure to check out my TikTok account (@mysteryluvxx)!!!

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