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Peter looked ruined when we got to him. His aunt just died and he looked about ready to give up. His eyes were empty, not a single happy thought behind them. I was going to hug him, but his friends are amazing.

My Peter looked at him with understanding, having gone through that with Uncle Ben. I held his hand, not wanting to leave his side.

"I wanna kill The Goblin." Peter said, anger lacing his voice. He looked ready to actually kill someone.

"I did that, Peter." Said the other Peter, the older one. "And trust me revenge won't help you. It will make it worse."

Peter shook his head, now looking at him in the eyes. "My aunt is dead."

"I get it." My Peter said, staring at me with the same confusion he had since I saw him. "Chelsea, I am about to say something, but don't freak out." He turned to look at Peter. "I lost Chels. She died in our universe. I went crazy, and tried to get revenge, but I eventually couldn't. I was ruined."

I audibly gasped, opening my eyes wide. "What?" I whispered, making sure my boyfriend heard me.

Ned couldn't help his reaction and gasped as well. He stared at me like I was a ghost; maybe I was.

"Before she died, she said: With great power..." Peter started saying.

"Comes great responsibility." The other two spider-men finished for him.

"Uncle Ben said that to me before he died, too." My Peter informed the sad boy. "Peter, we have to help them. They don't deserve to die, okay?"

The youngest Peter thought about it before nodding. I could see the battle inside him, trying to figure out what to do. I felt so bad for him.

We decided to do the antidotes at the lab that the school had. This lab was impressive, nothing like ours when we were in school.

Peter was still out of it, but I decided to go talk to him. "Hey, Petey." I said while standing next to him.

He looked at me, his eyes were teary. "Hello, Chelsea. How are you holding up knowing what happens to you in your universe?"

"I'm okay. I trust that you guys can save me." I sighed. "How are you?"

He paused for a beat too long. "I'm not okay, but I have to finish this because I promised Aunt May."

My heart broke in a million little pieces. He's just a kid and the fate of the worlds is in his hands. "Do you need a hug?" I asked.

He nodded slowly. My arms came around the boy who was just about my height, maybe a little smaller. He sniffled into my clothes, but I didn't care about his boogers on my clothes.

We pulled away after a few seconds. "You know, Petey, when I go back to my universe I will think of you."

He chuckled softly. "Yeah, let's hope we can get you back."

"Oh,come on." I nudged him with my arm. "Look alive! You have 3 yous sitting over there. That has to be a little bit exciting."

This seemed to make sense to him. "A little." He tried to play it off, but his small smile told me differently. Peter moved to say something to his friends.

I stayed there, looking at the people we had here. I was shit at science so I decided to not intervene. I was calmly staring at the experiments when someone hugged me from behind. It was obviously my Peter.

"I'm sorry for telling you that you die, baby." He said into my ear. "But you do, and I thought my life was over. But I have you back."

"You need to save me, Peter." I begged him. "I have to grow old with you, maybe live in New York with two kids. One called Benjamin and the other called Stacy. We will have a dog called sparkles."

He laughed. "You have thought about this a lot, huh?"

I shrugged, but I honestly have.

After that he went back to the antidotes while I helped a little here and there. E knew that eventually, even I would have to help fight the bad guys.

They had a plan when they finished the antidotes. As for me, Peter knew that when I was falling, to throw himself with me, not his web. The plan was to catch me in the air and save me.

"Petey, take a photo with me before we leave." I held the phone out and snapped a photo of us. I did the same with Ned and MJ, because I never want to forget them.

"So, are we ready?" The older Peter asked. Everyone nodded. "Then let's do this."

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