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Peter and I were walking back to my apartment, some sort of uncomfortable silence falling between us. Our hands were swinging next to each other, but they never held.

"Peter, how about we talk now?" I said in a question, but it wasn't. We needed to discuss what will happen when I leave.

He groaned. "Why?" Peter dragged out the word like a little kid. "Can't we enjoy the time we have left?"

"Yes, we can, but I can't continue with this cloud of unspoken words that is on top of us. I don't want to fight, I just want to figure out what's wrong." I grew irritated by the minute. "I just need to know why you get so moody."

He ran his hand through his brown hair, making it messy. "Okay, if we're going to discuss this then I'm gonna tell the truth."

"Please." I nodded, encouraging him.

He took a deep breath and started talking. "It seems that you are leaving New York and amounting to great things when I am stuck here studying science. Italy is amazing and you will meet a handsome Italian man that treats you better than I can."

I analyzed his words, making sure to internalize what Peter was saying. "Is this whole fight because you think that I am going to leave you once I move there?"

"I don't want to think like that, but I can't help it."

"I love you, Peter. I can't believe you could even think that." My voice cracked, but I ignored it. "I've loved you since I learned you can like someone more than a friend."

Peter looked everywhere but my eyes. "You have dated some of the richest and hottest men in New York and you expect me to think you would settle for a nerd like me?"

I grimaced at him. "And what do you think I like about you? It's not the webs that come out of your body!"

"You deserve better than me." He spoke slowly. "Someone that can make you a priority. I have the future of this whole city on my hands and, honestly, I don't have that much time to take care of you anymore."

I took a step back. "Since when do I need you to take care of me? I'm a big girl, and I have been for a long time"

"That's just it!" Peter touched his neck, rubbing the back of it. "You have experienced many more things with more people than I have. I can't compete with having sex in a penthouse, or buying you a trip through Europe for your birthday."

"I don't want any of that!" I spoke loudly. "I want you. Not anyone else. Not another man. Just you with all your flaws included."

"Do you really?" He shook his head quickly. "Maybe we were better as friends." He whispered, but I heard it loud and clear.

"If you want to be just friends then say the word and I am gone." I crossed my arms over my chest.

He looked shocked when he noticed that I heard him. "I didn't mean it."

"Peter, just tell me what you want to do because I can't argue with you a second longer." I begged. "We sleep it off or we break up."

He bit his lip, staring at the floor. He seemed to be actually thinking about it when I hoped he would answer right away. Maybe he's right, maybe we were only meant to be friends.

"I think we should take a break for the time being." Peter said, not meeting my eyes. "If we're meant to be, we will end up with each other. If we aren't, then I hope you find someone that treats you like you should be."

My eyes filled with tears as I stared at him in disbelief. I tried to take a deep breath, but the air wasn't coming in.

"I hope we can still be friends." He cleared his throat.

"I can't right now." I muttered and walked away, leaving Peter there. I couldn't turn back to see him.

There goes our fairytale ending. I sobbed as I entered my lobby and went up the elevator. I got a stare from an old lady holding a dog, but I couldn't stop crying.

I genuinely thought we would be forever since we had loved each other for so long. Peter Parker dumped me. I never get my heart broken, yet here we are. I ran to my room and threw myself on the bed, trying to pause the tears.

People say your first love hurts the most; in this case, this isn't my first love. It hurts so much. I felt so stupid, crying over a boy. Usually I'm the one that does all the heartbreaking. If this is how I made all of my exes feel, then I owe them an apology.

I don't think I can stay friends with him, so I lost every part of him in my life. Aunt May, his house, spider-man, and the one that hurts the most, Uncle Ben. I know he's dead, but he reminds me too much of Peter to think of all the memories.

I stood up and grabbed the photo of us that is pinned in my room. I stared at our smiles and the way my eyes were shining. The way his smile was more upturned than I've seen in a while. Eventually, I threw the photo against the wall, not helping at all.

I thought the hero was always supposed to get the girl. Maybe this story was too cliché, too predictable to work.


Sorry for not updating. School has me stressed and I have a life defining test coming up lol.

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