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I walked into the coffee shop, looking around the tables to see if Peter was there. I spot him sitting on a corner table, a cup in front of him already. He gave a tight lipped smile when he saw me.

I strutted towards him, stopping when I reached the table. He immediately stands up to give me a hug. I hug back, but keep it short. He noticed this and sat back down.

"So, how have you been?" He asked, staring at the coffee in the green and purple cup.

"Um, trying to feel better." I replied. You could cut the tension with a knife.

"And you said you're leaving tomorrow?" Peter questions, now meeting my eyes.

I nod briefly. "Yes. I mean, now that we broke up this city has no promise to me."

His eyes droop down sadly. "Just because we broke up doesn't mean we can't be friends anymore. We were best friends long before we dated."

I analize his expression, and I can see that something is burdening him. "Are you okay, Peter? You seem like something is bothering you."

This seemed to affect him, because he became rigid. "I wasn't going to say anything." He started. "But Harry asked for my blood because he thinks that it can save him from the disease he has."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "So he knows your..." I made sure to mouth this last part. "Spider-man?"

"Not explicitly." Peter shrugged. "But I think he figured it out."

"Do you think he will do anything to you?" I questioned, now worried for him. We might have broken up, but if something happens to him, I will kill whoever did it.

"I'm not sure." He replied, his eyes showing fear. "I think he probably will. I'm sure he won't kill me or anything."

"That's horrible, Peter." I reached over to grab his hand, and he flinched when I grabbed it. "You know, I've always thought Harry was a little bitch."

This earned me a chuckle. "You have told me that many times. I think I believe it now."

"This is why you should always listen to me." I reply in a playful tone, laughing along with him.

This is nice. We feel more comfortable with each other now.

Suddenly, Peter stops laughing. "I miss you, Chels." He pauses. "I miss you a lot."

"I know, P." My smile drops. "I miss you too, but I'm leaving tomorrow. This won't stop me from going."

He shook his head, biting his lip at the same time. "I know it won't." I could hear the sadness in his tone, making me feel bad.

"We can start slow, Peter. I will keep you updated about Italy and maybe I could send you letters with photos." I said, trying to lighten the mood.

This was going well, coming to an agreement really helped. I feel just like old times. Like when I used to always be at his house, chattering away with Uncle Ben, maybe cooking with May. I miss everything about us, but I can't fold that easily. I have to be strong, because he has enough with the whole Spider-man fiasco.

"I think that will be nice." Peter smiled. "I lo-"

We were interrupted by the power going off, it was completely dark. Not even the outside had light. People groaned and screamed at the surprise.

"Peter!" I screamed, suddenly feeling scared. I felt his arms around me leading me outside.

"Somethings off, I have to go!" Peter informed me, making sure I was okay first.

I pulled him back to me. "Let me go with you. I need some adventure before I leave!" I begged.

He shook his head. "No. It's dangerous."

I groveled some more. "I'm going with you, whether you like it or not. I can go safely with you or venture off on my own."

He rolled his eyes, but complied. "Fine."

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