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A new species has been discovered in New York: A giant lizard that fights against Peter. This lizard has been a problem for everyone. He has induced panic for the whole city.

I was at school, in the bathroom applying lip gloss. Every small sound scares me, my mind immediately going to the lizard.

A creak was heard from one of the stalls. I bent down to look if someone was in it, but I was alone in the bathroom. This was weird and I was done, so I left the bathroom. I didn't want to have my day ruined by a reptile.

Peter was waiting by my locker for me. He smiled when I approached, but his face dropped. Everyone started screaming before I could turn around. I twisted in my heels and found the thing I was dreading meeting.

I let out a high pitched scream, but stayed in my place. I was too shocked to move. Peter grabbed me and we ran into a closet. He started changing in front of me.

"Not the time to strip, Peter." I said while looking at the ceiling.

He was in full spider-man attire when he opened the door and went towards the green monster. I ran the other way, but I could still see them. They started moving around the whole school so I lost sight of them pretty quickly.

I breathed slowly, trying to calm myself down, but it was hard. I was shaking and my mind was blank. I couldn't form a coherent thought right now.

I could hear crashing and grunt, but couldn't pinpoint where exactly it was coming from. I looked around, but it was in vain.

I couldn't help the tears that leaked from my eyes. I was sad, just scared. This all feels surreal.

I felt useless, not being able to help Peter. I was always brave, that was just the way it was. But right now I am standing against a wall, with tears in my eyes, without being able to move or breathe. I thought I could help with the superhero stuff, but if I react like this everytime, I won't be of help.

I was so in my world, that I didn't hear the sinister breathing behind me. I turned around cautiously, a gasp leaving my lips. The lizard was behind me, towering with a glint in his eyes.

I immediately turned to run, but he knocked me down with a swish of his tail. I was on the floor with his sticky tail next to me.

"Tell you daddy thanks." He hissed, but it didn't make sense. What does my dad have to do with this?

I tried crawling away, but he made it impossible. Instead, I used the only weapons I had at hand. My heels.

I pulled them off my feet and stabbed his tail with one of my stilettos. He grunted, but this didn't slow him down. I gave a cry and threw the other one at his face. Surprisingly, it hit one of the beady eyes.

With this, Peter wrapped him up in a web. The lizard struggled in his restraints, but couldn't break free.

I ran towards him, waiting for him to tell me what to do. "I am going to throw you down to the Police. Okay, Chelsea?"

I shook my head rapidly. "Don't you dare."

Before I could finish, I was wrapped in a web and thrown down to the police. I closed my eyes, scared that I would hit the floor, but I hung 3 feet from the concrete.

I was cut down and ushered off with the other students. Some were on the phone, and others huddled up between themself.

"You okay, Castillo?" Flash said and put his hand on my shoulder. I flinched and he pulled away, muttering "sorry" under his breath.

"I'm fine." I assured him after seeing that he was actually worried. "Are you okay?"

He nodded, a little relief in his eyes. "Yes. Thank you for asking."

I shrugged and turned back towards the school. The lizard escaped, and Peter was running over towards me.

"Go home early, students and faculty." The police announced and everyone started sprinting away.

Peter and I walked towards my house. He looked around everywhere, like the reptile was following him.

We entered my room and got comfortable. I was still a bit anxious, my leg kept bouncing up and down.

Peter placed his soft hand a little above the knee. "It's okay, Chels. Calm down."

"I can't." I whispered. I tried to take a breath, but I couldn't.

"Yes, you can." He urged me. "I will never let anything bad happen to you. I promise."

"I believe you, but I'm still scared." I answered. "I wanted to help you, but I froze up."

He chuckled, and I gave him a grimace. This was not funny. "You help me with everything else. I think saving people is something I have to do alone."

I don't want him to be alone. He shouldn't be alone, not when he's going against guys like that. I know that he can do it, but I don't like it.

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