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I read the newspaper calmly, sitting on my bed. Norman Osborn, the founder of Oscorp, has died. He left his son, Harry, behind.

Harry Osborn was Peter's friend when they were kids, before I had come around. They grew apart as they got older and Peter started getting closer to me. Harry and I had spoken a few times, but he was too snobby to my taste. I am pretty spoiled, yet he was too annoying for me. He had a stupid face that I couldn't stand.

I stood up, going to Oscorp to see what was going on there. I felt bad for Harry, but I wanted to visit Gwen. I decided to give her a coffee, so I stopped at a small shop. When I had my order, I walked up to the doors.

The elevator opened and I stepped inside. There was a man already standing there. He had a goofy combover, teeth that were way too separated and the worst clothing I have ever seen. He smiled and waved when I entered.

I tried to wave back, but with the coffees in my hand, it was impossible. I opted for talking. "Good morning."

"Hello, Miss." He greeted me. The man furrowed his eyebrows, like he was studying me. "You are Mr. Castillos daughter, right?"

I nodded with pursed lips. "Yes, I'm Chelsea Castillo." I explained. "I'm here to visit Gwen Stacy."

"I- I'm Max." He said with a nervous stutter. "I work here."

"That's nice." I replied while the doors opened on my floor. "Goodbye, Max." I said before stepping out and searching for Gwen. He said something that I couldn't catch, so I continued on.

I spotted the familiar blonde head sitting at her desk. She didn't notice when I came up to her, so I cleared my throat. With that, Gwen snapped her head at me, her expression softening when she notices it's me.

"Castillo, what are you doing here?" She asked in an amused tone.

I shrugged and held out the cup of iced coffee. "I had a surge of being kind,so here I am with a coffee for you."

Gwen laughed and touched her nose right after. "Well, that is very kind. Thank you." She grabbed the cup from my hands and took a sip.

"You can leave early today." I informed her. "Your leader is dead, so we get to hangout."

"Are you sure?" She questioned, obviously worried about her job.

"Come on. With just a phone call I can promote you to head scientist or whatever you nerds do here."

She giggled and nodded. Her computer shut down, and she grabbed her purse and the coffee. I high-fived her and we left the building.

We chattered until we got to the brunch spot that I had made reservations in. It was a somewhat fancy restaurant that was always busy, but I may or may not have made out with the owner once and now he gets me a table whenever I want. He's just 2 years older than me and somehow has this amazing business. At times like these is when I think I will amount to nothing.

Our table was in a secluded corner, with string lights adorning the wall. The seats were plush and very comfortable.

"How did you manage to get us a space here?" Gwen asked in admiration.

I gave her a small smile. "I know the owner‒ knew, I mean." I corrected myself because I haven't seen him in a few months.

Then, Owen, the owner, came over to us. He had black hair and hazel eyes. He was really tall, to the point where my neck hurt after talking to him for too long.

He leaned down to kiss my cheek as a greeting. "How are you, love?" Owen asked and raised his brows when he noticed Gwen, who was blushing and looking flustered.

"I am great, Owen. How about you?" I answered with a smile on my face.

"The business is doing amazing, so I'm good." He said with a smirk and made a motion with his eyes towards Gwen. "And who are you, blondie?" He reached out his hand for Gwen to shake.

"I'm Gwen, nice to meet you." She gave him a firm shake, finally looking into his eyes. "This place is very beautiful."

"Thank you." He said proudly. "Well, the meal is on me, and there is always a table here for pretty ladies like you girls." He walked away before we could say thank you.

"You dated him right?" Gwen frowned, her face still red.

"Ehhh." I made a sound with my throat. "I wouldn't call making out at a club dating, but you can date him." I said teasingly.

"Oh, he wouldn't notice a girl like me." Gwen's face dropped.

"Nonsense." I rolled my eyes. "Leave your number on a piece of paper and I will make sure he gets it."

Her eyes twinkled. "Really?"

"Of course, Gwen."

"Thank you so much."She threw me a kiss and looked at the menu.

She ordered the avocado toast and I ordered the pumpkin pancakes.The food got here pretty quick, so we talked for a while.

"You're leaving in 2 weeks for Italy, right?" She asked while taking a bite of her food. I just nodded. "And how is Peter taking it?"

"We don't really speak of it." I said truthfully. "He gets sad whenever it's mentioned, but he never says anything. It's like if we don't say anything then it won't happen. The problem is that it's getting late and I feel like he doesn't think we can do long distance. I try to bring it up, but he changes the subject."

Gwen bit her lip, thinking for an answer. "Maybe you just need to sit him down and force him to talk. He probably won't want to, but it's needed."

With the advice given, we left the restaurant, sayin our thank you's to Owen. I left Gwen off at her house and started walking to mine.

When I got there, my father was sitting at the table on a phone call. I just went directly into my room, so I could only catch him saying "Electric eels?!" in a scared voice.

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