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High school graduation. A bittersweet moment that makes you look back on all the years you spent in the crappy halls. I was sitting on one of the foldable chairs, waiting for Peter to get here. He was running late, but assured me he was getting here.

Gwen was giving a beautiful speech on the podium. She looked rather pretty with her hair done. We have become friends now, and I force her to go shopping. She complains but stops when I offer to buy her shoes.

I was proud of myself for graduating with mostly A's. I didn't expect to get such good grades, but I guess I was smarter than what I gave myself credit for.

I have been feeling better than ever lately. Peter and I are dating, and it is amazing. He treats me so well. Gwen and I hit it off, since I needed friends apart from my boyfriend. Surprisingly, Flash has been nicer than ever, and I have even caught lunch with him.

Everybody clapped when Gwen finished her speech, but I stood up. I whooped and whistled when she bowed towards the audience. She gave me a thumbs up in appreciation.

I got a notification on my phone. I opened it quickly thinking it was Peter, but it was the Daily Bugle. There is a criminal loose and Spider-man is there to stop him (Shocker!). I sighed and rolled my eyes, knowing that Peter probably wasn't coming.

The principal started calling out the names of the students in alphabetical order. We had to stand in a line and wait for our turn. I was one of the firsts.

I got upstage with a smile on my face. I had my makeup done professionally this morning. I grabbed my diploma and posed for the picture that I knew my mom was taking because she was standing up.

I shook the principal's hand and moved over to Gwen. She was valedictorian so she was with the important people. I gave her a hug and posed one more time before I walked offstage.

I was disappointed that Peter wasn't here. It didn't matter, because I did it. I graduated highschool. I was officially a college girl.

I went back to my chair and waited patiently for all of the names to be called up. They were getting fairly close to the letter P and Peter still was not here.

"Peter Parker." They called through the microphone. A few seconds passed and he didn't show up.

I was about to call him, before he ran towards the man with the diploma. He grabbed it and searched for me through the audience. He winked before whispering something into Gwen's ear. She smiled and handed him a microphone.

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen." He started and everyone was muttering, confused. "Some of you might not know me, but I am Peter Parker. I wasn't supposed to have a speech, but I have some things to say. First of all, thank you to the school for letting us graduate." He motioned at all the students.

I stared at him with wide eyes. I had no idea what he was doing.

"Second, I want to thank my beautiful girlfriend, Chelsea Castillo." He pointed at me, and I flushed. I could feel I was blushing by the way my cheeks warm up. "She is the most amazing person in this world, and I know that she is going to kill me after I get off this stage." The crowd chuckled at this. "Anyways, I just want to say: I love you, baby, and congratulations to all of the students!" When he finished he ran offstage.

I was stunned from my chair, not knowing how to react. He was running towards me with a smile on his face. When he reached me, he lifted me into his arms and kissed me.

I giggled when we pulled away, still blushing. "Why the fuck did you do that?" I groaned. "Now my parents are going to tease me with this."

He just laughed. "Because I love you and I'm sorry I was late."

That reminded me, and I pulled out my phone. "Is this why you're late?" I questioned and shoved the article in his face.

He looked at the floor. "Yes, yes, but I saved a man named Max, so that counts for something." When I arched my eyebrows in response, he grabbed my waist. "Okay, I will do whatever you want for 24 hours as an apology. That includes painting my nails and doing my makeup."

I pouted, but ended up nodding. "M'kay." I muttered.

He kissed my cheek before standing next to me. It was time to throw the caps in the air. I grabbed mine and gave it a twist before launching it up. When I was done, I hugged Peter while laughing.

Everyone started going to their respective families so Peter went to find Aunt May and I went to find my parents. We were better now, not fighting as much. My dad hadn't done any more shady stuff, so we don't have a problem.

I found them standing under a tree, a proud smile on their faces. I advanced towards them when I saw the flowers my dad was holding. As soon as I approached them, he handed the roses to me.

"Now, sweetheart, your real present is at home." He explained. I nodded and gave him a hug. After that I hugged my mom.

"Where's Peter?" She asked, looking around for him.

I shrugged. "Talking to Aunt May. He'll find us in a minute."

And that he did, because he was walking towards us with May trailing behind him. I hugged her as soon as I saw her.

"Congratulations, dear. I know Ben would have loved to see his favorite niece graduate." She pinched my cheeks as she said the last part. "He used to rave on and on about the suits you were going to design for him."

I laughed because it was true. He was constantly asking about my designs and my plans for the future. "Thank you, Aunt May."

She turned towards my parents and said hello. They were all smiles today, so it went with no complications.

"I liked your speech, Peter." My mom said and winked at him. He chucked and flushed; now he's the one getting embarrassed. "Well, May, if you guys don't have plans for tonight, we could go out to eat at this amazing restaurant that a friend of mine owns."

May nodded and smiled at Peter. "We would love that." She took up the offer.

"We can pick you guys up at 7?" My mom asked and May nodded.

"Yes, well, I better get going." May kissed Peter cheek. "I assume you guys will hang out."

Peter and I nodded. With this she said her goodbyes and left towards the car that she shared with Peter.

"We better get going as well." My father said and looked at his watch. "See you guys later. Chelsea, will we pick you up at Peter's? If so, come home first and pick fancy clothes." He eyed Peter's thrasher shirt and black shorts before walking off with a waving mom.

When they were out of eyesight, my boyfriend wrapped his arms around my waist. "I got you a present." He whispered against my neck.

"Really?" I asked, filled with curiosity. "What is it?"

"It's a surprise, but if we hurry and get your clothes, we can get to my house quicker and I can give it to you."

I grabbed his hand and pulled him to my house. When we got there, my parents weren't home, they were probably working. I picked out a sparkly dress and we walked to Peter's house.

When we entered his room, there was a box sitting in the middle of his bed. I looked at him doubtfully and he motioned for me to open it. I ripped off the ribbon and the paper, it was not particularly heavy.

It was a heart shaped handbag. The sleek metal contrasted with the red of the leather.

I immediately kissed Peter. "I love it, P, thank you so much. I also have a gift for you, but I have to give it to you when we're home alone." His eyes widened, and then I realized how that sounded. "It's not what you think. It's something that you will find very useful. It's just that it's a secret between us."

He just chuckled and kissed me again. I closed the door with my foot and sat on the bed, with him next to me. All of this while not breaking the kiss.

What a great end to high school. I have good friends, the hottest boyfriend ever, and no direct enemy. This was better than I expected.

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