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Peter eventually called back, assuring that he was fine. At the same time, Electro and the man made of sand appeared in one of the jails. A tree also came in, but it was just a plain tree.

"Hey, Max." I walked to the familiar man. "Long time no see."

"I could say the same for you." He replied, a sly smirk on his face.

I replied with the roll of my eyes. "As charming as ever."

He chuckled and tapped on the glass. "So, when will you get me out of here?"

"Don't know." I responded honestly. "That is up to Peter to decide."

He mumbled something under his breath that I couldn't catch.I decided to ignore it and go back to MJ and Ned, who were sitting in some chairs, waiting for Peter to come back. They were tired, and it was noticeable.

"Why don't you guys fall asleep for a few hours?" I asked, offering myself to keep watch.

MJ shook her head rapidly. "I have to wait for Peter."

"I promise that if Peter comes back or calls I will wake you, but right now you both look like zombies."

"What about you?" MJ questioned. "Will you sleep?"

"I'm not tired, I feel like I woke up from an eternal nap."

With a little defiance, they both agreed. Laying down on the floor with a pillow, both kids fell asleep. Ned was snoring softly.

I Had time to waste, so I started going through my phone, trying to figure out how I got here. I ended up looking at some memories of me and Peter.

A photo of him sleeping with a stuffed animal; him getting ready to go out with me; Baking cupcakes for Aunt May's birthday is my favorite photo of us.

I sort of stared into space while analyzing the whole situation until I heard a sound that ended up being Petey. He entered making a sound, but shut up when he noticed his friends sleeping. After an hour of him cleaning himself up, we decided to wake up Ned and MJ. With a shake, they were both awake.

Peter had to go see his aunt so we stayed back, trying to see if any more villains were transported here. He came back a while later with a so-called Norman Osborn. This wasn't the Norman Osborn that I knew.

The nice wizard man appeared and started fighting with Peter. They ended up disappearing and Petey was the only one that came back.

"I won a fight against Doctor Strange!" He shouted as Ned looked at him dumbfounded.

After coming up with a plan, MJ, Ned, and I were sent to Lola's house while Peter tried to fix these villains. Lola is Ned's grandma.

Grandma's house was cozy. We drank coffee while making small talk that was pretty awkward. I could tell that it killed them to not be more useful, but Petey was extremely clear that he wanted them safe, and this house was very safe.

Hours had passed and Peter still hadn't called. The news was broadcasting a fight in the apartment complex that they were in, so Ned, with his weird ring, started asking for Peter Parker.

Surprisingly, a portal opened. We were all shocked as the spider-man started jogging to us. As soon as I saw the lanky body, I knew.

"Peter!" I shrieked as he took off his mask. The beautiful face of the boy I loved was revealed. I basically jumped on him, hugging Peter like the world was ending.

He took a deep breath and pulled away. "Is this real, Chelsea?" He asked, his voice breaking. "But you d-" He stopped mid sentence and kissed me. "I don't even want to ask."

Peter rested his chin on my head and we stood there for a while, until someone cleared their throat.

"Sorry to break up the beautiful moment, but we can't find our Peter." Ned piped in.

Peter looked at him confused. "Who are you and why am I here?"

"Sorry to tell you, buddy, but you are in another universe." MJ spoke, eyeing him suspiciously.

"Wait, so the multiverse is real?"

Ned nodded.

"Holy shit." Peter muttered under his breath and turned to me again. "I love you." He whispered and wrapped his arm around me.

"Show me Peter Parker; the real Peter Parker." Another portal opened and a man dressed somewhat like a youth pastor I used to have when I was little came through.

Him and Peter threw some webs at each other, but eventually started speaking.

"We still can't find Peter." MJ said.

"Does he have somewhere he can go to clear his head?" My Peter asked, MJ responded with a yes.

That's how we ended up walking to a school building at night.

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