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I grunted as I pushed myself off the floor. I felt distracted, there was something weird in New York. My eyes tingled with the light of the sun. Squinting, I looked around at the alley that I was standing in.

Last I remember I was in the clocktower falling, but I never hit the floor. That still doesn't explain how I ended up here. I decided to look for someone I knew in this city. I could go to Oscorp and find Gwen or scream for Spider-man until Peter showed up.

I walked out of the alleyway and out to the street. The clothes they were wearing was weird, not chic at all. Scoffing, I ruffled my skirt. People were in their own world, just like New Yorkers usually are.

I looked at the skyline for the huge Oscorp building, but it was not here. Maybe I was in a different part of New York.

There was news on the billboards exposing who Peter Parker was. I almost stopped breathing when I saw those words, but the photo that came up was not Peter; it was another teenage boy. This made me chuckle a little, knowing that the real Peter's identity is not known.

That's when I noticed that I was very hungry, starving actually, so I saw a random coffee shop and decided to enter. A girl with curly hair was behind the counter, and in front of her was an asian kid.

"What would you like?" The girl said at the cash register. She was very beautiful, but in a lowkey way. If I could put her in some cute clothes, she would be a killer.

"I would like a plain donut and a latte." I  ordered, staring at the news that was playing on the tv. "So, how did spider-man's identity get leaked?"

The boy sitting on the counter sighed. "Mysterio exposed him." He said like I knew who he was.

"Who is Mysterio?" I question, grabbing my order from the girl and sitting one seat away from the boy who was giving me information.

"A supervillain Spiderman fought." He informed me, but I got more confused.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Peter never fought with Mysterio. He fought the lizard, electro and Harry."

He looked at me like I was crazy. "Peter has never fought those people. He fought an alien, though." He paused for a moment. "You know Peter?"

"Not that one, the real one." I informed him. "I dated him until the last fight with Harry, but I'm having trouble remembering how I ended in that alley."

The girl who gave me my order scowled at this until her phone rang, a smile spreading on her face when she read who the caller was. She talked under her breath and when she hung up she had a worried expression on her face.

"Ned, Peter needs us." She said to him and, just like that, he stood up, almost running to the door.

I needed to see Peter so I decided to speak up. "Wait, I have to see Peter Parker. Please take me with you to see him." They stared at me. "He's the only one that can help me."

"How do you know Peter, anyways?" The girl asked.

"I told you already." I groaned. "I was his best friend and then we dated and later we broke up. We left off in a weird place, but he said a really nice speech about me and I need to see him." I was ranting since I was nervous.

"How do we know we can trust you?" She questioned.

"Because I need help." I said plainly. "I can't find Oscorp."

"What's Oscorp?" The boy who now I know is named Ned asked.

"That's the problem." I said impatiently. "Everyone knows what Oscorp is. It's a giant scientific company that has a huge building in New York."

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