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The plan had gone marvelous, until a lizard came into where MJ, Ned and I were hiding. The portal that Ned had opened did not want to close, and the lizard noticed that. We were in a wild goose chase.

"Dr. Connors, stop chasing us." I pleaded, out of breath. "We're trying to help you."

"I don't need help, children." He stopped for a moment when he noticed we were inching closer to the p. Then, he lunged towards us in full power.

The three of us ran to the statue, trying to avoid being caught by him. He followed us right to the edge of the construction site. Something hit him and we were able to walk back into the middle of it. MJ stayed at the edge looking at Peter.

That's when one of the goblin's ships hit the part where MJ was standing. Ned and I fell as well, but we hit the floor softly thanks to a red coat. MJ on the other hand fell and Petey could not reach her. My Peter caught her midair and set her on the floor. He stared at her for a few moments before staring at me with relief on his face.

The battle continued, but the 3 non-supers stayed away, to avoid being a casualty.
The spidermans were already exhausted, I hoped that they would win soon.

After a while they managed to get the antidote on them with Dr. Strange's help. Once they were antidoted, the only one left was The goblin.

The youngest Peter was wild with anger. From what we could see over here, he was punching him and screaming like crazy. The other 2 helped him stop when he picked up a drone and was going to kill the Goblin.

The magician called me over and explained that I was going to go back to where we were from and that Peter was going to save me. He was struggling to hold a spell so I thanked him and walked over to the Peters. Strange said something to Petey that I didn't hear, but from the look of it it was sad.

"You guys are going back to your world." Peter said, a strange look in his eyes. He hugged the guys while I ran to MJ and Ned.

I hugged Ned first, who reacted quickly and hugged me back. MJ was stiff the whole hug, bI didn't care.

"It was nice meeting you guys!" I said excitedly while waving to go over to Petey.

I stood in front of him and hugged him tightly. I felt bad that a simple kid had to carry around this burden of being spiderman. He was a little shorter than me, maybe my same height. When we pulled away he had small tears in his eyes.

"Thank you for helping, Chelsea." He thanked me with a smile on his face.

"My pleasure, Petey." I joked and walked over to older Peter. I gave him a pat on the back and to my Peter, I kissed him.

The three of us stood side by side waiting to leave. I saluted Peter before I was not in that world anymore and the green light returned. I registered I was falling when Peter caught me, and I was safe.

He held me in his arms for a few minutes, analyzing that he had saved me. He caught me. He put me on the floor and the police arrived just after we'd fled. We ended up at my apartment.

You could feel the different energy in different worlds. Ultimately, I was glad to be home, but the knowledge that I went to another universe is insane.

I wondered about the people I met who were not in this universe. Is Petey doing ok? Is MJ ok? Did Ned get into MIT? These are questions that will linger in my mind forever, yet I don't feel sad about it. Not knowing makes me imagine how they are, and that is enough for me.

I hope that the scary wizard fixed it all.

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