Chapter 3

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The next day I couldn't get my mind off of who had helped me. I don't know why. He just...I don't know.

If anyone could help then it would be Latte. So I ran over to her.

"Hey Latte! I really need your help!" I said, catching my breath.

"Okay, what for?" She put her hands on her hips and looked at me.

"I'll talk about it in my room just come here!" I dragged her up to my bedroom where we took a seat.

"Okay, what's up?"

"Yesterday I was doing whatever and I met some guy and I don't know why but I can't get him off of my mind!" I buried my face in my hands.

"Oh this must be pretty serious, your ears folded down. Well, what's he look like?" When I looked back up at her, her tail was flicking back and forth fast.

"He has long blonde hair, eyes, and I don't know what he's wearing now."

"Is he a human?"

"Yes why?" She silently squealed to herself. "You never like humans like at all! I know they can be weird but this is a first!" She gave me a bright smile.

"Wait....I know exactly who you're talking about! His name is Madeline! He's one of the nicest people I know!" Latte pulled me up. "Come on let's go find him!" She tried to drag me out of the house.

"No Latte! Are you seriously WHA-" She already pulled me out of the room and down the steps.

She dashed outside with me in her grasp. She ran over to Madeline.

"Hi Madeleine! I heard you two met before so why don't I introduce you two to each other!" She smiled. I know he did something pretty nice for me, but I didn't want to see any humans at all.

"Oh hello again!" Madeline gave me a small wave. I didn't give him any response. Though Latte forced me to go over to his house with her.

I sat down across from Madeline right next to Latte. I don't want to be here nor would I want to be anywhere near someone I don't know.

I kept my ears down and hid my tail. I'd prefer him to not see me as a cat so he won't try anything stupid.

Latte seems pretty comfortable with him actually. Hearing their conversation seems like Madeline is a pretty nice person! Though I'm not going to buy everything he says.

"Oh I have a few things to do actually! Espresso why don't you stay a bit?" Latte got up from the couch.

"I'm not staying here Latte." I gave her a glare, which she ignored of course.

"Pleasseee! He's really nice I promise!" She begged me to stay.

"Okay fine, but I promise if he tries anything then I will give him a really nice scar." I shot him a quick death stare.

"He won't I'm sure of it! Anyway, I have to go!" She waved and walked out the door.

I crossed my legs and tried my best to not flick my tail around.

"Why are you hiding you ears and tail? I already know you're a cat." Madeline moved closer to me. He sat next to me and stared.

"Only because I don't want you to see me as some cat. You saw what people are like." I tapped my feet.

"Can I.." He lifted a hand up to my head and started to rub the back of my ear.

Fuck...Damn it it's so hard to resist when someone touches your ears! I tried hard not to give in, and I'm pretty sure Madeline noticed. So he started to rub both of my ears.

I held back small purrs. Oh lord I'm not going to be able to do this for any longer.

So I give in, me ears slowly stuck up and so did my tail. My tail stood up happily, just like when I saw the treehouse. It slowly swayed back and forth.

"Hah I knew it." I heard him mutter. I wanted to push him off after hearing him say that but I couldn't bring myself to say anything.

"Aw you purr as well? That's cute~" He moved closer so he could rub my ears better. I never thought I'd let anyone touch my ears. I would've scratched him before but I just couldn't put myself to. Not sure why though.

I leaned on his shoulder, fully giving in. I did try to hold back some of the purring I did but it is kind of hard to do so. Man why the fuck are cat instincts so fucking hard to hold back?

I'm only saying this because while he was..well petting me I moved my head slightly up and down, kind of like rubbing onto him.

Though after about 5 minutes, I started to get sick if it.

"Alright cut it out." I gave him a small glare. He stopped once I said so. Which is nice to know someone has common sense and knows how to listen.

I looked up as his hair and pulled a bit down to play with. Just as I suspected, it feels like silk. Madeline looked rather happy seeing that I was playing with his hair. I could tell out of the corner of my eye he was holding back a smile.

"I have a question," Madeline randomly said. "So it does sound kind of stupid I guess, but do you lick yourself like an actual cat?"

"No, we clean ourselves like everyone else does. I guess it was a good question but also kind of common sense." He put his hand on my head and messed with my hair. I was doing the same so I guess I can't get too mad.

I did quietly purr again, and I think he really enjoys it when I purr. I can always see his smirk every time I get a little louder.

"Stop it.." I said getting a little more annoyed that I kept purring. He knew I enjoyed it, so he didn't stop.

He started to rub my ears again, this time moving to the sides and the back. The longer this went on, the more my ears would

Madeline! I told you to stop!" I growled, straightened my posture to try to get closer to his hand, going against my word.

"You seem to be enjoying a lot. Why would I stop if it feels good for you?"He pulled me even closer to him. I knew it would be pointless to even try to hide the constant purring from him, he'll find a way to make me louder until I give it to him.

My tail started to flick quickly. Madeline seemed to get more intrigued the more I putted. Or..maybe he was amused.

We heard someone walking up to the porch. Madeline stopped when he heard some knocking.

"Hi Madeleine I'm back! How was Espresso for you?" She asked looking back at me. I was completely flustered. My hair was a mess, my ears kept twitching, my tail swayed from left to right, and I was taking deep breaths.

"He was actually nice!" He gave her a smile. I took one last deep breath before shaking off how red I was. I fixed my hair and sighed.

"Well, we should get going. Come on Essy!" Latte motioned for me to come towards her. I got up and put my shoes on. We left and Latte kept asking me what we had done.

"I'm serious! We just talked why do you care so much?!" I complained.

"Just look..see! Your ears keep twitching! Our ears don't do that unless something happened! Oo! Did he pet you! *gasp* You let someone pet you?!"

"What?! No he didn't pet me! It's none of your business anyway." Sort of hoping I could see him a little sooner..

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