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It's getting late, she can now look in the windows. She climbed up a tree to look through Espresso's room, he was her main target. She stared with envy as she watched him and the man cuddle. She teared bark off of the tree and threw it on the ground. "I need him back somehow...He can't he in love with some guy!" She glared at them. "How should I kill him...Oh! I should torture him until he almost dies, but keep him alive for fun! That's what he'll get for trying to steal him from me." She continued to watch the two with jealousy flooding over her.

That's when she though for a moment. "Who's that girl with Latte? I'll kill her too. Maybe I'll do the same thing with that guy! Wait...I saw her outside on her phone..DAMN IT! She saw me looking, didn't she?!?" She clawed at more bark as she clenched her jaw. "She's probably babying Latte! Latte is so pathetic." She sneered.

Meanwhile in Espresso's room, he felt as if he were being watched. It may have been instinct, cats tend to always be alert. But it felt to real this time. "Madeline...could you look out the window really quick? I just feel stares..." Espresso said nervously. "Sure!" Madeline didn't expect to see anything, but he just wanted to check so it wouldn't worry Espresso through the night. He looked out the window. Is that..a figure? A shadow perhaps? What does he see?

He tried to make out what he was seeing. Grapefruit stared in horror, her eyes widened as she nervously sweat. Her eyes shown like amethyst as she stared nervously. Madeline squinted at the figure, he had yet to see what it was.

"That's not just my mind playing tricks on me, is it?" Madeline murmured. He took another good look. It was definitely a person, and he knew exactly who it was. The only person who would be so insane to do so, Grapefruit. He glared at her, he made sure that she knew about how he sees her. Which this made her freak out.

Madeline shut the curtains and lied down with Espresso. "There was nothing dear.." He knew Espresso would panic if he knew. He'll tell Espresso soon, but not now.

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