Chapter 7

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"I have to get going. It was nice seeing you though!" Madeline stood up. He offered me a hand which I took. "See you around Espresso!" He waved and walked away. He's so nice to me..which is so weird considering that I did nothing to accept him at first.

But it's nice really! I really haven't had anyone to talk to other than Latte. That's because of trust issues. Anyway, I started to walk back home. All was going well, no one said anything. I'm sure that the whole neighborhood knows what I'm capable of by this point. Not many even dare to bat an eye. The ones that do better hope to god I don't see them staring.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see who it was. " time no see..?" To all my horror, it was Grapefruit. "What the actual FUCK do you want." I glared at her. I'm not scared of her anymore, and I can defend myself now. "W-wait! I've changed really! I was sent to a mental hospital and it really helped! It's quite I surprise I run into you! Once I saw you, I just had to run over. I really, really owe you the biggest apology I can offer." She looked at me with big bug eyes. "B-But it's fine if you don't trust me anymore. I can see why, but I just missed you ever so much!" She gave me an innocent smile like I didn't remember what she did, or what she tried to do.

"I don't care if you missed me." I walked off. She's so lucky my built up anger towards her didn't come out and choke her until she was pale.

Once I got home, Latte walked over to me. I could tell she sensed how much anger I had. "You alright 'Spresso?" She looked at my tail. "Who did it?" Hah she knows that someone made me this mad. "I was walking home and I came across Grapefruit. My luck adores me doesn't it?" I just wanted to kill someone. "Are you being serious?!" She looked at me worried. "Why would I joke about this type of shit?" I said harshly.

"Crap um...this is bad! Like really, REALLY bad!! How can we avoid her if she's here?!" She grabbed ahold of my shoulders. "What do you mean by 'we'?" I asked. "I forgot to tell you, in fact I hate bringing it up. She used to bring me down every day mentally, saying things like 'you'll never be good enough' or 'look at them then look at you'. She hurt the two of us!" She was on the verge of breaking down. I pulled her  into a hug. "Shh..we'll be alright. We can do something about it now, it's no longer the past." I muttered.  We walked over to the couch and sat down. She started to quietly sob while I did my best to comfort her.

I got up and told her to stay put. I overheard her talking to Raspberry and I'm sure that she'd be better at situations like this than I am. I grabbed Latte's phone and asked her to unlock it. She did and I called Raspberry.

"Hello?" I heard her voice ring over the phone.

"Hey this is Espresso, Latte's brother. Do you mind if you come over for at least an hour? Latte's having a small breakdown and if I'm being honest, I'm not the very best at helping." I said.

"Of course! I'll be over in at least 10 minutes. Thanks for telling me!" She hung up. I walked back to the couch and sat with her.

"Why'd you need my phone?" She said whilst crying. "I called Raspberry. She's going to be coming over to help with the present situation. I'm sure she's a whole lot better at this than I am." I heard her quietly snicker. "Thank you Espresso. You should be the one like this went through more than I did.." She mumbled. "It's fine! Don't worry about it.." I gave her a reassuring smile.

Knocking came at the door a few minutes later and I got up to get it. Not to my surprise, it was Raspberry. "Latte! Are you alright?" She ran over to Latte. It definitely was the right decision to invite her over. She got Latte to laugh a little, even smile.

That's when it all washed over me. It all came back, every single memory I've had of her. I tried my bed to not cry, but of course it wasn't of much use. "F..fuck..I'll be right back." I really don't want to cry in front of some stranger. I ran upstairs and curled up on my bed.

I didn't want to think about anything, especially her. Though my mind just couldn't stop remembering everything. I pulled my legs closer to my chest.

I heard knocking at my door. I didn't think to answer, I don't even want anyone to see me in this state.

"Ess..?" I heard a soft voice call out. The person sat next to me. "What wrong?" They asked. I looked up to see Madeline. FUCK WHY HIM?!! That's just embarrassing!

I kept quiet. If I said anything then I'd break down, and I do not want to do that. "Ess your going to have to tell me.." He said, looking down at me. My claws slowly stuck out. I was just mad and I wanted him to go away. He put a hand on my shoulder and that when I lost it. I scratched the crap out of him. "Ow lord.." I immediately felt horrible. I sat up and clung onto him.

"You poor thing.." He whispered. He started to pet me and waited for me to open up. "Ess, tell me what's wrong.." That's when I finally broke down. "I-I can't te-ll you.." I managed to murmur. I thought he would get mad at me for not telling him, but he just continued to hold me close to him.

"I-it's just..there this g-girl that um..let's just say I di-didn't have good terms with in th-e past..and I ran into her in the st-reets..." I slowly began to open up to him.

"Mhm. Do you mind telling me what she was like?" He said sweetly. "S-she was rude, car-eless, and d-didn't care for an-anyone but herself.. She said she changed..but I don't believe it.." I whispered.

"I see..can you tell me what she did to you? Possibly even Latte?" I shook my head. "Alright. Tell me when you'd like." He continued to pet me. "Thank you.." I muttered. "Why are you thanking me?" He asked. "Only because you stayed. Most would just leave me here alone.." I whispered. "I could never leave anyone in a state like that." He said quietly.

I stayed in his arms until I fell asleep. "I feel so bad for you..good night Ess.."

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