Chapter 13

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Hearing that Grapefruit was stalking us makes me panic immediately. Luckily, Madeline was there to comfort me. If he wasn't, I'd stay up all night and do the same for many other opposing nights. Waking up the next morning felt awful, I couldn't persuade myself to even eat. I held Madeline's arm tight, begging him to stay every so often. "I'm not leaving Ess, calm down. I see that 'event' of last night really put a scar on you." Madeline said with a frown. "I know that she's in jail and all...but I feel like she's going to get out of jail again and do the same thing all over.." I muttered. "You have every right to think that. Though if she tries to lay a finger on you, I'll beat her ass." Madeline said with a bit of growl in his voice. I snickered a little and snuggled up closer to his arm. "Espresso?" Madeline called out. "Hmm?" I hummed back. "If you don't come downstairs and eat, I'll carry you there." Madeline said patting my head with a free hand. I wasn't in much of a mood to eat, and being carried in arms full of muscle would be like heaven in all honesty-

GAH-what am I thinking?!?

"Ess..." Madeline mumbled. Well what the hell do I want to do??! Should I-...NO-well..-JESUS CHRIST!

Though before I could decide if I was going to walk or not, Madeline scooped me up, making the decision for me. I was definitely right about it feeling like heaven in some sort of way. I'm not too sure on what I was expecting, but it was better than I thought. Madeline carried me like a baby down the steps and into the kitchen. Meanwhile I didn't do anything to protest, and I guess this confused Madeline a little. "Do I even weigh anything to you?" I asked, curious to see what kind of response I'd get. "No, it's like holding a couple of grapes." Madeline chuckled.

He carefully put me down and leaned on the counter. I got a bowl of cereal and sat down at the dining room table. Madeline took a seat next to me as we started to talk. Soon after, I heard footsteps from upstairs. The girls came down the steps excitedly, giggling and smiling in each and every step. "What's the excitement for?" Madeline asked. The two held a newspaper and dashed over to us. "Look! Grapefruit was a wanted criminal in soo many states!! Because the jury found out it was her, they immediately put her on death row! She's gonna be executed! It's about time anyway." Latte exclaimed. My face quickly lit up hearing such news. "Not to mention, because of her crimes she's getting one of those old torture devices. We all know that those devices are so cruel, and to be honest, I don't give a shit on what she goes through!" Latte commented. Madeline ruffled through my hair and smiled. "Well that solves our problems, doesn't it?" Madeline said rubbing my ear. "Yes, it does." Though I didn't want him to leave so soon. He made me feel so protected, so secure. I'll make this day the best I can before he goes. "Hey Ess? Since Grape out of the way, you want to go into the woods?" Madeline asked. "Sure! Good luck keeping up with me though." I teased. Madeline seemed to take this as a challenge, so I went a little faster than intended. Though we had fun racing outside like that.


"I know right? Though I'm glade that Ess is doing better. OH! I have a good idea~"

Meanwhile, the ladies watched them race out. After forming a plan, they went inside.
When Madeline and I reached the woods, I heard Madeline laugh. "Don't underestimate me Ess! It hurts to see you think I'm weak." Madeline fake pouted. "Stop acting like a child! Come on!" I dragged him along a path. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Madeline's eyes watching my tail. "Keep your eyes on the tail blondie." I could here Madeline snicker. "Whatever you say, captain." "Do NOT call me that." I scoffed. Madeline started to laugh a little harder. "Hmm...what's better? Captain or kitty-cat?" Madeline asked. "Kitty-cat for sure. Do I look like I'm directing a ship!?" I scolded him. "Alrighty then, kitty-cat~" Madeline joked once again. "THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU HAVE THE PRIVILEGE TO CALL ME THAT!" I screamed.

After a good few minutes of me lecturing Madeline, I led him to the treehouse I found. "If you can get up there with me I'll be thoroughly impressed." I put a hand on my hip. "Challenge accepted! See you at the top~" Madeline winked at me. I rolled my eyes and made my way up the tree.

I watched Madeline make his way up as well. I was incredibly surprised that he could get up here with such speed! "Ta-da! Was that to your liking?" Madeleine grinned. "Oh my-wow! That really, really surprised me! Good for you!" I said with a smile. Madeline smiled back and started to pet me. "I'm glad to see you're back to a some what normal mental state. It hurt to see you so mournful." Madeline said while petting me. "I wouldn't have gotten any better with out your help." I immediately realized how cheesy that was and sighed. "Aww Ess!~ I loved giving you company in the meantime!!" Madeline said happily.

I almost said 'I love you' once he said that. What's up with me??! Whatever.

Madeline and I stayed in there for a little while before heading back. "You've been acting pretty clingy today.." Madeline said with suspicion. "I've been clingy for the past week dumbass." I rolled my eyes. "Yes I know! But today seems like you were just trying to stay extra close.. Anyway, you mind if I went back to my house?" Madeline asked. This was the dreaded moment of the day. "You can go back, I don't mind." I responded. That disappointment lurked in my voice though. "Aw Ess! You don't want me to go, do you?" Madeline leaned down in front of me. "Is that why you were clingy? You just didn't want me to leave huh?" Madeline smiled. "Maybe..." I murmured. "Awhhhh!!!! Essyyy!" Madeline stretched out his words with his hands held together. "Oh shut up!!" I whined. Madeline chuckled and pat my head. "I'll stay until you're satisfied, okay?" Madeline hugged me. "What if I'm never satisfied?" I asked. "Then I stay forever! What'd you think?" Madeline looked me in the eyes. "I don't know..thank you though." I smiled lightly.

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