Chapter 14

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After staying for at least 20 minutes, Madeline and I walked back to the house. It's really, really sweet of him to stay behind just for me! When entering the house, I heard the girl's giggles slowly die down. "Hey hey boys! How was your walk?" Latte asked. "Nice. Why do you ask?" Madeline crossed his arms and studied her grinning face. "Oh no reason! Anyway, Ess do you care if Raz can stay a little longer?" Latte asked me. "I don't mind. Madeline will do the same so it's no big deal." I shrugged. "God you sound like Madeline giving me those nicknames.." Raspberry groaned. "What you mean like-" "Don't you DARE finish that." Raspberry glared at Madeline. "Why nooot?" Madeline said with a fake pouty face. "Because it's not funny and I'd prefer that Espresso and Latte don't call me that!" Raspberry growled. "I don't have any nicknames for anyone. So count me out." I scoffed. What's with people thinking so low about me? "Jesus why are you so mad Razzle-Dazzle?" Madeline snickered. "MADELINE OH MY GOD! I ASKED ONE THING OF YOU!!" Raspberry screamed as Madeline laughed. I wouldn't want to be called that in her position either. "Aw I think it's cute!" Latte smiled. "No it's not!" Raspberry yelled. She looks incredibly flustered and embarrassed. Latte giggled as she tried to get Raspberry to calm down.

I just watched awkwardly at the scene that displayed in front of me. Raspberry was obviously pissed off. Madeline was looking at her all smug like, making her even more pissed, and Latte is trying hard not to crack up. I sighed and jogged up the stairs to my room. I groaned when flopping onto the bed. I heard my door open moments later. "Ess? What's with you leaving like that hm?" Madeline stood in the doorway. I slowly turned to him. "I don't knooooww." I whined. "Are you already bored? We just came back for a walk." Madeline chuckled. "You are human. See the difference here?" I growled. "Calm down kitty-" "Do not ever call me that." I glared at him. He smiled and walked over to me. "Hmm..what do you want to do?" He asked. "I don't know." "Well what do you usually do in your free time?" He asked. "Uhh I read, write in some circumstances, go in the woods, umm...sometimes I mess around with experiments, and I go on walks. It's not very interesting I know." I shrugged. "Do you care if I see the writings you've done?" He asked. "Sure. But I'm going to give you one that isn't embarrassing or something. Most are just random reports since I kind of like doing little essays." I responded. I walked over to my desk and opened a small drawer, revealing all of the scattered papers. I pulled a few out and scanned through them. I found one on Fort Morgan, a very haunted place in Alabama. This fort was being built in 1819 and was finished 1834. It was constructed for protection during the Civil War. Over thousands of people were killed there and is now said to be haunted by the soldiers that died there. I handed the paper over to him and gave him a brief explanation about it.

As he was reading, I noticed that he was very interested in it. I didn't really think he was into paranormal stuff but I was proven wrong. I guess we share more in common then I thought. "Huh! That's pretty cool Ess! Your writing skill is very nice as well!" Madeline smiled. "Why'd you pick such a specific place?" He asked. "Well I was very bored and I soon got curious to see what would be one of the most haunted places be. When I found that, it immediately peeked my interest. I personally find the Civil war very interesting and it was very important to history. I mean just think about it! Centuries ago there were people fighting in such a structure!" I said a little too excitedly. I shook my head at how childish I was acting, but Madeline seemed to be just as interested as I was. "Yeah it is very interesting! I didn't think you were much of a history guy." Madeline commented. "Math and Science are my strong points, but I happen to take a liking for history. It doesn't seem interesting when in school, but when you really think about it, it's actually stunning. People were living before time was even considered a thing! It's just intriguing." I smiled. Madeline sat down on the bed and leaned his head on one of his hands. That's when I realized how much I've been talking about some random interest of mine.  Which is quite embarrassing..

"It is pretty interesting I will admit. Especially when you put it like that." He smiled warmly. "Jesus I sounded like Eclair for a moment there..anyway AHEM-it's getting kinda late. You want to sleep soon?" I asked. "Do you? I mean I really don't care." He responded. "Eh the sooner we go to sleep the less whining you have to hear from me." I joked. "Pff alright. C'mon, go get ready." Madeline gestured toward the door. I walked out the room and he followed.

After we had gotten ready for bed, we got settled. "Thanks again for staying. I really appreciate it." I mumbled. "It's nothing Ess. Now go to sleep." Madeline said softly. He gently stroked through my hair as I fell asleep. I'll never tell him how much I enjoy it when he lets me.

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