Chapter 11

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I woke up the next morning on top of Madeline. At first this surprised me, but then I remembered that he stayed with me throughout the night. I stayed in bed for a little longer, I was still tired after all. Though as I was peacefully enjoying the silence and warmth of Madeline, my door flung open, making a large bang. The two of us flinched hard at the sudden noise. Madeline groaned and looked over to the side to see Latte and Raspberry in all of their glory. And by glory I mean their annoying smug faces and giggling. "Get up lovebirds! We made breakfast so get up and eat." Raspberry said walking over to us. Madeline sat up but still held me under him. He rested his chin on top of my head as stared at Raspberry sleepily. I was more than happy to stay in bed so I didn't mind him holding me. "Oh my god! Do I really have to drag you guys out of bed?!" Raspberry glared at us. Specifically Madeline that is. "Probably." Madeline said with a tired voice. "Don't get smart with me you blonde ass!" Raspberry grabbed a handful of Madeline's hair and yanked it. "I'll rip all of this hair out if you two don't get out of bed!" She yelled at the two of us furiously. I glanced at Latte because Raspberry was acting absurd.

Madeline, however, just looked at Raspberry blankly: soon after then, he smirked. "I'm not getting up until I feel like it. Would you get up if there was a cat like this in your lap?" I almost flushed red but I managed contain myself. "I guess not. But if you two aren't down there in 5 minutes then I'm beating your asses." Raspberry growled before walking out of the room. "Drama queen." Madeline mumbled. He lifted his chin from my head and softly pet me. "How'd you sleep?" He asked. "I slept fine, you?" I looked up at him. "Good. Did you wake up at all throughout the night?" Madeline asked with that concerned tone. "Not last night, no." Maybe he wouldn't have to ask that if someone wasn't here. "Well that's amazing!" He said sweetly. Did I just get praised for not waking up-whatever that's not really important. "Come on, let's get downstairs before Raspberry shaves your head clean." Madeline chuckled in response and held my hand. "Alright, alright!" He slowly got up and pulled me with him. We walked downstairs to see Latte and Raspberry siting at the table talking. "It's about time! I made some scrambled eggs, help yourself." Raspberry said shushing us off to the kitchen. "I'm not that hungry, I think I'll pass." As I was about to walk away, Madeline grabbed me by the wrist. "Hungry or not, you're still eating something." He set his plate down to get a better grip on me. "Madeline! I don't need to eat! I'll be fine!" I struggled to get out of his grip. "Eat something Ess!!" Latte yelled from the table. I sighed and walked towards a plate and grabbed it. Madeline smiled and let go of my wrist. After we got the things we wanted from the kitchen, we sat down at the table with the girls. As we were all just talking, I just had to ask a question. "Hey Latte?" I said pulling my head up. "Hmm?" She hummed. "I..Do you feel like you're being watched when we're all about to go to bed?" They looked at me concerned. "I don't's just me being paranoid from all of this Grapefruit crap." Why do I have to be so embarrassing?

Madeline took my hand and squeezed it. "Trust me, you're safe with us." He whispered reassuringly. I sighed and took my plate into the kitchen and set in down into the sink. Madeline hugged me from the behind. He's so comforting...I would've never gotten through this without him. I stayed there for a moment to enjoy Madeline's embrace. "Let me go Madeline." I said now wanting to move again. " Ess.." I could feel his hug getting tighter. "Yes I get that..but I need to move." I sighed. Madeline didn't take that response very well, as he acted like a child to respond. "Madeline don't act like a 4 year old and throw a fit." I said scolding him. "Hah, you really want to see me become more mature?" He said with a mocking tone. "Yes I do." I rolled my eyes. Of course I want to here him speak his age. "I'm not going to move, you're mine. Therefore that you're under my control." He said slyly. I quietly panicked and pushed off of him. "Maybe you are better when you act like a child." I shivered as his words repeated in my head. "That's what I thought." He smiled like nothing happened and walked away.

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