Chapter 15

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The next morning I yet again found the girls giggling in the living room. I can't tell if they've gone mental or not. "Why the actual hell are you two giggling as loud as tornado sirens at 9 in the morning?" I said with a groggy voice. "Espresso! Where's Madeline?" Latte asked, completely avoiding my question. "He's in the bathroom, why?" I stared into her eyes. Wait a damn minute..usually when Latte's giggling like a maniac, she's usually planning something. Oh you've got to be kidding me! Now it probably involves Madeline considering how they want to see him. "Should we do it now or..?" There it is. Jeez those two are insufferable.

Madeline then came downstairs and smiled as he gave me a few light pats on the head. "So Madeline..." Raspberry slowly said. I'm going to sob in a few moments. These two are getting so out of hand. "We we're just thinking that and Espresso could go out to eat this morning? We didn't make anything so why not? Latte and I already ate little bowls of cereal and we'll probably go out for lunch." Raspberry smiled. I see what they're trying to do. When I glanced back at Madeline, it seemed he knew what they were trying as well. Though as much as they're trying to make us go on a date without realizing, I wouldn't mind going out for breakfast at all. It seems nice anyway. "Yeah, yeah we get it, you're trying to set us up on a date miserably. Though to be honest, I wouldn't mind getting breakfast somewhere else. Your cooking abilities suck anyway." I scoffed jokingly. Raspberry looked at me highly offended. "Espresso that was just out of pocket." Latte glared at me. "Yeah well, the types of stories I get from Madeline about you are about the same level of mean I just gave to Raspberry. I don't see all why it matters so much." I grinned. She looked taken aback as she did a dramatic gasp. "Ugh, I know! She's awful to me!" Madeline bowed his head back with a hand on his forehead. By this point, it's very easy to tell we're all messing around.  "Anyway, it's not the worst idea for the two of us to go out. What do you say?" Madeline asked me. "Why not? I'm sure it'll be fun anyway. Hope your cereal was good!" I winked the the girls before walking out the door. "Bitch." Latte muttered. "He's going to beat your ass when we get home." Madeline snickered. "You better not tell him!" Latte hissed. "I can already hear all of you." I said with a muffled voice through the door. Madeline then came out, Latte's face looking pale.

"Where to?" Madeline asked. "I'm not sure. Umm...I heard that this one restaurant named Snowy Hills was good." I suggested. "Why do you think they named it that?" Madeline asked. "I think it's because their love for winter. Usually they'll have a massive Christmas Tree on display around that time of year. That's what I've heard at least." I shrugged. "Seems nice. You want to try it?" Madeline asked. "Sure!" I agreed. He took my hand as we continued to walk. I could feel the slight blush at my cheeks as we continued to walk towards the place. "Have you ever been to this place?" I asked stupidly. He probably would've said he already had! "No, I never have. It'll be fun to see how the two of us think of the place!" He smiled. "You think so? Oh, there it is over there." I pointed ahead to the restaurant. "Is that a mountain in the picture...?" Madeline said squinting. "Pff-yeah. Should be snowy mountains at that point." I quietly laughed. Madeline laughed with me as we entered the building. After waiting for a table and getting seated, our waiter soon enough came over.

"Hi there! My name is Katerina, ironically. I'll be you're waiter for this morning! What would you like to drink?" She had long brown hair with cat ears like most people in this place. It is kind of funny for her to have 'cat' in her name as she is one herself. After ordering our drinks, Madeline turned to me. "Random question, but is your whole family cats?" He questioned. "Yes, usually when one's a cat, they're kids end up being cats. Very rarely, two cats won't give birth two a cat, and give birth to a human. Usually because us cats still have human like features." I explained. "Another question, why the hell do you know all of that?" Madeline teased. "Because I asked my mom once about why we were all cats." I said, faking my annoyed face. "I guess she also thought it was time to have the 'talk'.." I muttered. "Are you kidding? She gave you the sex talk for a little question like that?!" Madeline said amused. "I guess so. Though I was 11 so I guess it was somewhat of a good age to tell." I shrugged. "Yeah, fair enough. Usually it's when your 12 to 13." Madeline agreed.

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