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(??? pov)

-3 Years Ago-

We were running through the halls as screams erupted from the barracks and throne room.

My three other friends were escaping, we saw the opportunity, and we took it.

I remembered about him though. Our other best friend, the one who brought us all together, we didn't tell him about our escape plan, we didn't go get him. It was a horrible mistake.

"We have to go back! We can't leave him!" I cried as my friends grabbed my wrist and started pulling me through the halls.

"We can't go back now! It's useless! We'll get caught! We can't lose each other!" The one tugging me replied, I know he also felt guilty, who wouldn't? We all did.


One of my friends ahead of me shrieked in response of the loud noise, fire started spreading through the halls, I knew that it was a magic fire due the amount of control of where it burned.

"YOU FOUR JADE GUARDS. STOP AT ONCE!" A voice shouted angrily, we heard the heavy armoured boots of other guards as they chased after us.

"Gods above- We're not going to make it out!" My-friend-who-shrieked-at-the-fire cried out as we just kept running, "It's too late to go back now!" The one pulling me shouted in response.

Fire licked the back of my boots, I bit my tongue in attempt to not cry out at the pain of heated metal against my feet, "Go, go, go!" Another one of my friends yelled impatiently.

The halls twisted as walls got placed as to try and trap us, it never worked though, we grew up as guards- we knew their tricks.

Oh wait- what are we running from you might be wondering?

Oh boy is the answer weird.

Well you see, me and my friends are running from an insane king that wants to take over the world and start a war, we all hoped he wouldn't go down that path. He did anyway.

Our other friend- the one we left behind on accident- is his son, he's the crowned prince as well, the king decided that other royals are threats and he decided to murder them all.

'Fun' idea, isn't it?

Well anyway, we saw an opportunity that we were all willing to take, a clear hallway that was close to an exit, so, we ran.

We forgot about the king's plan to murder our friend in the process though.

Our friend... we knew he wanted to escape as well... but we forgot about him.

We left him to die.

Tears burned in my eyes at the realization. But like my friend had said, it was too late to go back.

If only we knew what could've happened if we saved him from his horrific fate.

I felt the tears drip down onto the ground as I saw the exit into the thick forest, freedom, it's a beautiful word, full of promise and peace. But it's cost... it's worth lives of loved ones and friends.

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