Chapter 48

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Yes, the end hath neared. It advances with vigour!
There shall be another and another.
Like an eternity in the end!

Yours, taking a leave,


Khushi A. , Sai Srinivas (a fellow author, check out his book, Chains of Hell, it is there on Wattpad as well), Payal Nahak, Durga, JK Rowling, All my favourite authors and My loves, My dear readers who encourage me so much!

Chapter 48

"Agni, this is Abhi, my childhood friend, I am sure you already know him, considering that you had eyes everywhere around me except for the bathroom." Agni gave a small nod giving Abhi an assessing look from head to toe.

"And, um- Abhi, This is Agni, he is my frien-" 'Wait, what is he to her now?'

"Comrade?" Abhi said but Agni spoke up, "Consort. I am her consort."

"Wait, what now-?" Abhi chuckled nervously. "Kind sir, who was nearly making out with my best friend two seconds ago, might you explain what you just said?"

"I-said-that-I-am-her-consort." Agni enunciated.

"Abhi, what he means is that we find each other attractive and have decided to stay in each other's companionship to understand each other better in order to- '' But Indriya's stopped her sentence when she saw the bitterness Abhi's face suddenly displayed.

His smile was gone and his eyes displayed the emotion very clearly. Deeply hurt.

"I see, I am sorry to have interrupted your time together."

Indriya opened her mouth to speak but Abhi was gone. Gone even before she could explain anything.


Anuthama found Samudra to be highly unstable, mentally. She was unpredictable, mostly because he didn't know her all that well and she was a different person than she used to be.

He stared at the intricate stitches that weaved the skin from one ear to the other. It was horrifying to even think what the wretched man would have done to the poor girl.

The matron in the Royal castle nearly gasped when she saw her.

He hoped that all of his comrades reached their destination safely and he was glad that Samudra agreed to stay back to heal completely.

They both rode back to their quarters in a coach in complete silence, the only sound being the rhythmic padding of horse hooves.

Her skin was pale, nearly ghost white and her cheeks had sunken into her jaw. It reminded him of Bilvani, the first day he had seen her, her tanned skin full of scars and striking eyes were not enough to hide the hollow cheeks and sickly look.

But Samudra was quite different, opposite to his Bilvani.

"Your grace, what is it that bothers you? Is it my scars or is there something on my face?" Samudra spoke softly.

"Mm? No, I was just wondering about your voice. It sounds so dreamy like you are not in this world." He asked.

"Well, that's because I am in another world, with my Agni. I wonder if he is doing well," she said as she glanced outside the window.

'Yes, I wonder too, I wonder how Bilvani is...' He thought to himself.

"Your grace, What am I to do in your house?"

"Heal, I want you to heal properly. You may do whatever you wish, just be careful and do not tell your real name to anyone, in or outside the house. Choose a name for yourself and tell me. And, try to cover up the scars, not because they look ugly but because they are noticeable. Not many people exist with scars on their necks. Also, just call me Anuthama, I wouldn't mind."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2022 ⏰

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