Chapter 1 | "Girls in general."

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"-instead of the midterms, I'd like you to do group projects."

The nightmare for every straight A-student. GROUP PROJECT! Don't get me wrong, group projects can be great, if you are with the right people, but I right now I didn't know who these right people were yet. My second week at college and I had been pretty optimistic with my classes so far, knowing that I won't have a problem to get my A's, but this has changed now.

Sat in a room with 50 unknown people, I didn't know who the right person was to partner up to get a good result for this group project that we had to do. I looked around, having a pretty good view from my seat in the back of the room, spotting different people.

Being the only girl in the room wasn't new, since this was the case in most courses of mine. I signed up for math and physics, and sadly this was still not a very popular course for girls, even in the twenty first century. Anyway, the other guys attending this class were all very different. Some very still half asleep, even though it was already noon, some were busy with their phones, and some were listening to the professor like me.

Ye, I was a nerd. I wasn't ashamed of that, quite the opposite actually. I graduated high school as a straight A-Student and wanted to keep it this way in college, so you can call me what you want, I don't care. I do anything for my grades.

"Chace Donavan and Lucy Collins." I raised my hand when I heard my name, looking up from my journal and seeing who my partner will be. A guy on the other side of the room, also sat in the last row raises his hand and I try to remember his face the best I can, so I will recognize him later. It turns out to be really easy, because when he looks up and his eyes meet mine, I come face to face with some piercing blue eyes. With his dark blonde hair, sharp jawline and pretty lips, he had a face that was easy to remember.

Me being too focussed on my grades, I don't waste a lot of time and getting flustered over his appearance and look back down to my journal to take some more notes. My partner may be good looking, but sadly he belonged to the group of people in this class that was still half asleep. I guess the party he went to last night escalated pretty much, that being the reason for his tired state.

But I wasn't going to judge him and at least give him a chance; maybe he is a great partner who knows. Our professor calls out more names, pairing us up in groups and I take this time to sort my other notes for the day, feeling very confident for my next class. I signed up for some really difficult extra courses that I had to study for already in the first week to be able and understand everything, but so far, I was doing pretty good.

"You will have the rest of the class to discuss your topics and I am looking forward to reading your essays." The professor calls out and then I hear the sounds of people moving around, getting ready to meet their partner. I was about to get up and go over to the green-eyed boy, when somebody sits down in front of me on the other side of the table.

I was confused how he didn't have bags under his eyes, looking terrible if he was really as tired as his eyes looked. Despite the tired and exhausted look in his eyes, he still was looking fine. Dammit, why are guys always so lucky with their genes. "Hi." He says, looking at me for a second, before his eyes go down to look at all the notes on my table. He frowned a little when he saw all the neatly prepared papers on my desk, before looking bac up to me. "I'm warning you in advance, I was forced into this course and don't even know what's going on."

Okay, I was disappointed, finding out my partner wasn't as serious about this as I was, but then again I was thankful for a warning in advance. For a second I study him, making the decision that my grade were more important than free time and teamwork. "Okay." I say, rethinking my decision for a second, but ending up to just go through with it. "You know what, how about I will just do the project on my own and put your name on it as well, pretending we did it together?" I ask. It's not the first time I have one this. In high school, I did most of my group projects on my own, if I had a partner that I will know will bring my grades down. I just knew that the extra work will be worth it, knowing I will get an A when I'll do it myself. Only the classes my best friend was in, I would always partner up with her and work with her, getting an A. Carla and I have been the best team since we met in middle school.

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