Chapter 21 I "Where are your pants?"

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Chace's POV

"Keep your eyes open, Chace." An incredibly annoying line was directly pointed at my face, so how the fuck was I supposed to keep my eyes open. "Look up to the ceiling please." What the hell? "Perfect." Thankfully, whoever that was adverted the light from my face, letting go of my face, so I could close my eyes again. My head was throbbing, and I felt like I was run over by a bus. I lay there for another minute, hoping to finally forget the pain, but I would have to get up and get some pain killers. Opening my eyes, the bright light stung badly and I came to face the with ceiling. "Chace, how are you feeling?" I look to my left and see an unknown woman looking at me, and from the way she dressed, I know she is a nurse. That's when everything comes back to me.

Lucy in her fucking skirt. The game. The collision.

I don't remember anything after something hit me from the side, but this must be the reason why I was in a hospital room right now. "My head hurts." I groan, bringing a hand to my forehead and feel a fabric there and it stings when I apply pressure. What the fuck happened?

"That's normal. The collision caused a really bad concussion and the cut on your forehead is also really deep but will heal shortly." The elderly woman smiles at me, but then I look around the room, spotting my mom in the corner, sitting in an armchair with a worried expression. "I will get the doctor now." The nurse excuses herself and leaves my mom and I alone.

"Hey honey." She smiles, coming over to sit by my side. When I ask her what happened, I see her frown. "When the player attacked you, you fell unconscious and you've been driven to the hospital right away. The did a head CT and some tests. Your brain is fine, and no bad damage has been caused. They cleaned the cut on your forehead, and found out that your ribs were slightly bruised, but not badly. Apart from some pain in the ribs and head, you should be fine. There will be some sickness or dizziness in the next few days, but that's it. I'm so glad, you're okay." I saw her eyes water and just smiled, not wanting her to worry too much.

"I'm good, mom." I assure her. I felt alright apart from the headache. But when I looked around the room once more, I noticed that it was just the two of us. The clock on the wall showed me that I must have been asleep for the whole night, meaning the game was yesterday. Where was she?

"You've been here for sixteen hours already, but will be discharged tonight, if you're feeling okay." She informs me and I hum in agreement, looking at the door, wanting to see her. The silence in the room must have been enough for my mom to know what I was thinking about.

"She's waiting outside." She starts and I look back at her. She's outside? "Lucy came her straight after the accident, but the nurses won't allow her inside since she's not a family member." She smiles sadly and I wanted to tell these people that I wanted her here with me. "I told her to get some sleep, but she stayed all night." I felt this same feeling in my body that I always have when Lucy was around, knowing she was here. And I could see in my mom's face that her behaviour meant a lot to her too. But then I kept thinking and didn't like her waiting in a hospital all night alone. She should go home and sleep.

Before I could ask about Lucy, the doctor comes inside, and she tells me about everything that happened. About the concussion and the symptoms, I might have in the next days. When she told me I could leave tonight, I felt relieved. I didn't like hospitals a lot, knowing how much time I spend her when I was younger because of Gabby. When I asked her to allow Lucy to see me, wanting her to get some sleep in bed with me, she told me it was against the rules. What the hell? I want to see her, and it was forbidden? That's fucking bullshit. After I got some amazing pain killers, I got rid of the pain and found the energy to get angry that Lucy was still outside in halls somewhere, waiting for me. But the medicine also made me really tired, and I eventually fell asleep again. At seven o'clock, I was finally allowed to go home. I changed into the clothes mom brough me from home and the left the boring room. I was too excited to see Lucy in the halls, wanting to kiss her again, but she wasn't here. "I drove her home earlier and she is staying with Gabby right now." Mom had a habit to know what I was thinking about, creeping me out slightly. But I was happy, knowing she was A: in my home, already there when I arrive, and B. she got a ride from my mom, so I know she's save.

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