Chapter 25 I "You definitely checked me out."

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The weeks before Christmas rushed by. Everyone was busy with their exams and all the projects our teachers gave us. My schedule was filled to the brim, giving me barely any time to see Chace. I rushed from class to class, to the library, to cheer practise, back to the library. One time I even fell asleep studying there and Chace came to rescue me. He woke me up and brought me home in my sleepy state. The weeks were exhausting. Chace was equally as stressed, yet he somehow always found the energy to be with me at night. After I lost my virginity, Chace couldn't keep his hands to himself anymore. Not that he did before. Almost every night I would find myself in his bed, or sometimes in mine. He'd make me feel so good that he turned me into some kind of addict. I was addicted to him and the closeness.

Since all the football games were cancelled until after winter break because of what happened last time, nothing really happened the night the exams were over. Everyone was going home for the holidays, so there was no party. My flight was on the 24th in the morning, while Chace went to Boston with his family. They celebrated Christmas with his aunt and cousin, so we won't see each other until the 28th. They'd be leaving a few hours earlier than me, so Chace and I said goodbye the night before. He walked me home that night so I could pack my stuff, but the security didn't let him inside. That's how we found ourselves hugging for an eternity. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and I held him close by his neck. I was so sad to leave him. After we saw each other every day, it seemed unnatural to go without the other one for that long. He had his nose buried in my neck, breathing me in, while I tried not to cry. I already missed him so much. Minutes went by when we just there like this where we didn't care that the security guard probably watched us. I just cared about this time with him. One last kiss, and then I went inside. I was being dramatic, but I didn't care. I simply hated the act that we couldn't be together. He didn't give me my present but handed it Carla instead. We agreed on no Christmas gifts, but simply birthday presents. He wanted it to be a surprise, so he didn't trust me to wait for my birthday which was very smart. So, Carla will give it to me on the 25th.

That night I packed all of my stuff, before I got ready for bed. Carla and I decided to go to sleep early that night, so that's what we did. It was weird to lay in my bed alone. Normally Chace was behind me, keeping me warm, but tonight I was cold and alone. I didn't like it. I tossed and turned in my bed, not able to fall asleep. It took me over an hour to get sleepy, but when my blanket suddenly gets lifted off my body, I instantly relax. Warm legs tangle themselves with mine and a strong arm comes around my waist, pulling me against his chest. "Couldn't sleep without you." he whispers, putting me in the position we always fall asleep in. It was magical. Like he sensed how bad it was for me to be alone. It was a stupid idea anyway to spend out last night apart anyway. We had to use this time. He made me so happy, that not even the alarm in the morning ruined my mood. He had to get up earlier than me, but didn't care. He switched the alarm off, falling back asleep after he pulled me in again. The next time our sleep got interrupted though, wasn't as carefree and relaxed though. The second time was different.

"Chace, get up." We both open our eyes, widening them when we see the mass of people inside the room. Next to my bed stood Isabell, already dressed in some fancy clothes. Next to her stood little Gabriella, smiling down at us with a stuffed animal in her hand. Behind the two, stood three security men from this building, scowling when they found Chace inside this room once again. Carla eyes this whole situation amused from her side of the room. There was a moment of silence that gets interrupted by Gabby's giggling.

"Mommy, can I nap with Lucy too?" She asks, earning a sigh from her mother.

"No honey, we need to go now. Remember the plane is waiting for us." She reminds her daughter. "Chace, get up." He warns again. It was so funny how her voice always changes when she talks to different people. When it's me or Gabby, her voice is warm and nice, when it's Chace, she's always a little frustrated. Chace just smirks at this situation, realizing he once again tricked security, much to their dismay. "How could I seriously think to keep you two apart." Isabell says more to me than to anyone else, smiling. I just chuckle, shrugging. After Chace gets dressed, Isabell apologizes to security once again, before she tells his son they had to hurry up.

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