Chapter 12 I "We established some ground rules."

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"You're so going on a date with Chace Donovan." Carla exclaims for probably the tenth time tonight. We were just packing our stuff for the weekend. Since Carla and I practically grew up together, my parents invited her and her family, so she will be able to see the catastrophe of a wedding. "So he's picking you up and you'll drive there with him?" I was tired of answering all her questions, so I just mumble an answer and focus on packing. "How romantic would it be if he kisses you while you're slow dancing under the moonshine." She sighs at her absurd thought. As if that would ever happen.

"Have you seen my math book, the one with the red cove?" I ignore her completely, instead I focus on the relevant stuff.

"You don't seriously want to take your math book with you?" She huffs almost disappointed, but I only nod. "Okay, Lucy we really need to talk now." She demands and makes me walk backwards until I was sat on my bed with her standing in front of me. "Chace isn't just the guy you tutor, alright. You always use studying as an excuse to spend time with him, but you should know that this isn't what he wants." She tells me.

"Carla-" I starts, but she hold up her hand to stop me.

"No, you don't get to give me the 'He doesn't like me like that'- speech again. It's bullshit. Lucy, no guy is willing to do so much studying, I he isn't interested in the girl." She explains like it's a common fact.

"Do you remember Eric from high school. He did study a lot with me." I tell her, happy I can find an argument to fight her.

"Eric had the biggest crush on you, Lucy." She says and my lips just from an o. I didn't know that. "Anyway, I think you're trying to ignore the fact that Chace likes you back, because you're scared."

"Scared?" I ask skeptical. What should I be scared of?

"Yes, scared. You've never let a boy get close to you and now that you obviously like Chace a lot, you try to ignore all the obvious signs, so you don't have to face reality and actually act on your feelings. I know you're scared he's not going to feel the same and break your heart, but you will only get more and more feelings for him and eventually get hurt because you never told him." Okay, she may be right there. I mean I was way too scared to tell him how I feel especially since Chace won't feel the same. I was smart enough to see the obvious signs. He doesn't like me like this. When he agreed to come to the wedding with me, he said it was just a favor after all the tutoring I did. Now, I actually would say we are friends and he's accompanying me as a friend, that's nice of him.

"Carla, as much as I want to be with Chace, he really doesn't like me back this way. Or why has he never said something?" I raise my eyebrows at her, knowing she won't have an argument to prove me wrong. "Besides, why would a guy who likes me come to the dorms to hook up with someone else?"

"You're by far the smartest person I know, Lucy, but right now there is simply just bullshit coming out of your mouth." She laughs, making me frown. Excuse me? "Guy's often think with their dicks, alright? Chace clearly isn't used to feel this way for you, or anyone probably. I mean he used to be the definition of a playboy, but when was the last time you've seen him with a girl, hmm?" I was actually thinking about her question, but didn't know what to answer. He's walked me to the dorms after we studied a few times, but each time I peeked out the window and saw him leaving the dorms only a minute after he dropped me off on my floor. The last time... it must have been the day I gave him his sweater back. Wait, no that was only the last time he's see Pam. Chace probably got bored of Pam and found someone more interesting.

"Okay, can we talk about the reality again?" It was useless to get my hopes up over Chace, wishing he magically feels the same way I do. I don't have time to be naïve. "What should I wear?" I ask.

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