Chapter 9 | "You have to end the call now."

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"Hello?" I mumble in my half-asleep state.

"D'you know howto -rive?"

"What?" I ask, not understanding a thing as I sit up in my bed and rub my eyes a little to be able and read the time on the display of my phone hat was way too bright.

"D'you have a li-licence?"

"Chace, what are you calling me at two thirty in the morning?" I ask, falling back on my pillow, closing my eyes again. I had to get up super early to catch my flight and now I was just exhausted and wanted to enjoy my sleep again.

"Answer my damn question, Lucy. License? Yes or no?" He slurs, making it pretty obvious that he was drunk. Two thirty in the morning of a Monday and he was drunk. Unbelievable. What happened to him?

"Yes." I answer, not exactly knowing why I didn't just end the call.

"Good." He sighs, sounding like he was smiling when he said those things. "Get in the taxi and come to the bar." He demands, sounding beyond happy.

"Chace, what-" I start, but was too tired to talk properly. "What taxi?" Okay, that was the least important question, but I still had to ask.

"The one in front of the dorms. You have to pick on me." He tells me, before a chuckle leaves his lips. "No, wait. You need to pick. Me. up." He said those words slower this time, now making a lot more sense.

"Chace, where the fuck are you even at this time? You do know we have classes tomorrow?" I ask, my eyes still closed.

"'Course. Monday morning. Classes with Lucy. Best class of the week." He sighs. "Now, pick me up." He states demanding. I take a deep breath to tell him no, but he beats me. "Please." He mumbles and this word makes me open my eyes. Has even ever said please when he asked for something? I don't know.

"Fine." My stupid feelings for this boy were strong enough to actually get me out of bed in the middle of the night and pick his drunk ass up. I knew that I wouldn't have done this for anyone else really. "Where are you?" I sigh and just put a jacket on, not caring to go out in my pyjamas. Chace sounded so drunk, he won't remember it anyway and I don't think I will encounter anyone.

"Susan, where are we exactly?" He calls out for someone to hear. Great he was out with another girl, and I had to pick him up. What exactly am I feeling for this guy that makes me do shit like this? "Susan texted you the address." He mumbles and I just tell him I was on my way. "Mhh, perfect." He sighs happily. "You have to end the call now." He mumbles, sounding like he was just about to sleep now.

"Sure. See you soon." I just tell him and earn another mumble before I end the call. Just like Chace told me, there was a car waiting for me and weirdly the driver already knew where I wanted to go, then explaining that he was told already by 'some weirdo'. Fifteen minutes later, I was dropped of in front of a bar and right when I wanted to pay the driver, he said it was already taken care of by the weirdo, so I could just go. Okay, I won't fight him on this. For a second, I eye the bar suspiciously before I decide to just face whatever was inside.

Once I open the door, I was met with the strong smell of alcohol and smoke. There were about ten people inside, but the boy with his head on he counter had my attention. "Chace." I call out and walk over to him. When he hears his name, he sits back u and looks around confused before he sees me.

"Hey." He smirks at me, letting his eyes travel down my body once. "Whoa, Lightening McQueen, he's so cool." he states, pointing to my stupid shirt with the yellow 95 on it.

"Are you Lucy?" A woman behind the counter asks me to which I nod. "I see." She nods, giving me an amused smile. "Just take him home, alright." She tells me and I tell her I will do that.

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