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Introducing my name is Luna Putri Hinata. I will turn 20 next month in November to be exact. I am a Japanese and Indonesian dual citizen. My parents have lived in Tokyo, Japan for a long time but they are originally from Indonesia even though I am also of Japanese descent from my great-grandfather by my father.

Our family is a simple family. My father, Edo Hinata, was an employee at the office of the Indonesian Ambassador to Japan, while my mother, Amy Hinata, had just opened an Indonesian restaurant business with her best friend in the area near the Tokyo station. I have an older sister, her name is Risa Putri Hinata, we are 5 years apart in age even though we are very close even though we don't have much time to shop or do what the sisters have to do considering Risa is more often in Indonesia than in Japan.

As for me? I am a simple woman who is already a sophomore at Chuo University, majoring in International Relations. Everyday I spend almost only at home, and also on campus. Even on campus I spent most of my time in the library after class. I always thought I didn't stand out much in my circle of friends, but I was always grateful that I was surrounded by good people.

At the age of almost 20 years, I have found my journey that is not at all ordinary in my life. I will tell every year.


Aunt Keyla's salon has become my regular place. I've been come to her salon many times after Risa introduced her, she said the owner of this salon is an Indonesian who has also lived in Tokyo for a long time, just like me and my family. After meeting with Aunt Keyla, she is a very friendly person but quite chatty. She asked a lot of questions about me and Risa, and even asked about my life journey from elementary school to college. She really felt attracted to my very mediocre life.

Tuesday I promised Aunt Keyla to come for my hair cream bath after more than a month I didn't do it. Keyla's salon is located on the outskirts of the city and away from the crowds. For some reason she chose to build a business in that place, it seems she doesn't want to be far from her home area, especially since she just had a child after 5 years of marrying a Japanese person.

"Welcome dear" Aunt Keyla greeted me with a warm greeting. She didn't forget to hug me tightly and I hugged her back. I think I'm very familiar with the woman "Why did you just come? I've missed you so much"

"Oh I'm sorry, lately I've been too busy with college assignments" I answered more friendly.

"Oh Luna, I always like your smile" she said smiling glued to me. She always said that every time I smiled at her. For her, my smile can be a source of happiness for people.

Since childhood my mother always taught me to be friendly and generous. She said, a smile can make my life to be fine. And I practice it. I always smile at everyone and be warm and friendly, although my mother's words are not entirely true, but I feel that by smiling I can make my sad heart at least stronger.

"You don't intend to cut your hair?" Asked Aunt Keyla as she untied my hair which I had tied up quite high.

"Oh no, thank you" I replied. I really like my long hair.

Again, since childhood my mother always grew my black hair and never made bangs for me. To her, with long hair without bangs, I look beautiful. So since then, I feel very comfortable and don't want to cut all kinds of hairstyles to follow today's trendy. I chose to have long black hair that I would never color, then I deliberately asked Aunt Keyla to make the lower ends slightly wavy.

"What about bangs?" Asked Aunt Keyla then I just nodded "Even though Japanese people prefer to wear bangs to make their face look younger and cute" Aunt Keyla said.

"I'm very comfortable with my hairstyle now. Besides, I don't feel like wearing bangs" I replied with a small smile.

Aunt Keyla looked at me with a smile through the mirror "Brilliant. Consistent woman"

"Thank You"

"I know everyone will compliment your hair right?" she asked.

I nodded shyly. In fact, what Aunt Keyla said is true. Even Azumi told me that she really likes the way I always toss my hair in all directions but still look neat. She said, if I want to part my hair in any direction, it will look fast and beautiful.

After asking a few questions, Aunt Keyla finally creambath my hair. I always enjoy when Aunt Keyla massages my head as if all my dizziness suddenly disappeared and I found healing within myself.

"You already have a boyfriend?" Asked Aunt Keyla



"I don't seem to really attract the attention of men"

"Do not lie!"

I chuckled "I don't want to lie to you at all. I really don't have a boyfriend. Maybe I'm not the type of woman that many men like" I replied casually while closing my eyes.

"How can a woman as beautiful as you be unattractive? Look at you, you are beautiful, elegant, mature, smiling, smart, and also... look simple"

"I hope Aunt Keyla stops praising me. I will not be eaten by your compliments" I replied jokingly.

Aunt Keyla laughed and then stopped "I hope you find a good man, Luna"

My lips smile "Me too" I said.


When I got home, I saw my parents were busy packing some boxes of food

"I'm sorry I'm late" I said feeling guilty when I saw my parents were overwhelmed like that.

"It's okay. Now you help your father to put a few boxes of food in the bag, "said my mother who is busy dividing the menu of food to be put into the lunch box.


Our family has a tradition that we always do, namely participating in charity activities and many other social activities. In fact, we have become regular donors to orphanages for children and nursing homes. Maybe soon, my father wants us to be donors at a school for children with special needs. They say this is a way to be grateful for the sustenance that has been given by God, so we must share it with those in need as well.

"Have you contacted Miss Sizuki?" My father asked when I came to help her.

"Already. She says she will wait for us to come there. Oh, they said they also have activities for children that need to be discussed with Mom and Dad" I answered.

"Maybe she meant taking the kids to the beach for a vacation," guessed my mother in a loud voice from the kitchen.

"Wow, that's a very interesting idea," I said excitedly.

My father smiled "Are you coming?"

"Of course. My college assignments will end this week" I replied smiling "It seems I want to hold educational activities for children, I will immediately think about it and tell Miss Sizuki" I said excitedly.


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