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The funeral home was already packed with Emi's relatives and family. Emi's family couldn't stop blaming themselves for arriving late and not having the chance to meet Emi while alive. Mrs. Azuka also tried to calm them down. Harumi was busy accompanying Emi's friends who were also grieving. Meanwhile, I sat quietly accompanied by Aunt Tyas. Aunt Tyas tried to make me strong and let Emi go.

After 2 days, Emi's body was cremated. I returned home with Aunt Tyas. Ray also greeted me and I smiled at him "How are you?" I asked.

"I should be the one asking how you're doing" Ray replied confused to see me.

I sat on the sofa in the living room.

"Want aunt to get drinking water?" asked Aunt Tyas.

"No need. I want to call my mom first" I replied. Aunt Tyas smiled and sat with me. I also called my mother. I know she must be feeling deeply saddened by Emi's passing and didn't have time to attend Emi's final tribute considering that next week is Risa's event. My father and mother could not leave Risa.

"Luna ..." my mother's voice was hoarse. "You're back?" she asked, sounding like she was holding back her tears.

"Yes. The event went smoothly. Many of Emi's family also came. The elderly also accompanied Emi to her final rest. Everything is going well" I answered trying to be strong. I don't want to sound limp to my mother. My mother is a very sensitive person and cries easily, moreover Emi and my mother are very close.

"We have also prayed for her here. We have to be strong together. You know Emi doesn't like us looking weak the most? Even in her life she never showed that she was sick."

I nodded in agreement "It was really hard at first. Really heavy. However, I saw a photo of Emi smiling earlier, as if she was telling me to always keep smiling for her. After all, Emi is now happy with God and she can walk freely again" I said.

"Right. She must be very happy now. We have to be happy for her too," said my mother.

After ending the conversation with my mother. I checked my phone again, which I haven't checked for 4 days. I got 34 missed calls from Yuki, 52 unread messages from Yuki. I also get a message from Azumi.

Azumi messaged me a video. When I opened it, my eyes widened at the video of Yuki crying after losing to Brazil.

Yuki is not doing well.

Not waiting long, I rushed to meet Yuki.


It took me an hour to arrive at the JVA building. I received news from Takechi, that the national team returned to their dormitory after losing to Brazil yesterday. My footsteps tried to run quickly to find a way so I could enter the building. I called Yuki many times, but the man didn't pick up.

Outside the building, I'm trying to get in, I'm really worried about Yuki's condition right now. It's the first time I've seen that man cry like in the video Azumi sent.

After half an hour outside, I finally saw Yuki coming out of the building and coming towards me. I stood waiting for him, but from a distance I could tell that the look on his face when he saw me was different from usual. He didn't show a smile, in fact it was clear that he was disappointed in me.

After only about 3 steps away, Yuki stopped. He didn't immediately hug me or kiss my forehead, but he kept his distance and he was silent.

"Are you all right?" I asked.

"Why did you just ask?" he asked, sounding curt.

I was silent for a moment realizing my mistake "I'm sorry"

Yuki took a deep breath after listening to my short apology "For 4 days, you didn't call me or return my calls and messages. You disappeared without news and I again I have to find out about you from your relatives, "said the man.

I'm still silent.

"I am also sorry for Emi's passing. I was also sad when I heard that and at that moment I was worried about you."

"I don't want to worry you because I know you have to focus on your match"

"Stop making excuses like that Luna. I know how I can position myself. But I realized... you haven't been able to place me as your boyfriend. You still think of me as an athlete more than your boyfriend."

I shook my head "That's not true" I answered quietly.

"At least if you think of me as your boyfriend, you should keep me informed no matter what" he replied. "Why did you suddenly come here? Is it because you saw the video of yesterday's match?" he asked again.

I couldn't answer and just looked at him with teary eyes.

"Yesterday's game was really painful for me and the team. We couldn't hold back our tears yesterday, but we are trying to come back stronger. So you don't have to worry about us" continued the man "You're worried about me... as an athlete, right?"

"No" I answered spontaneously "I'm worried about you because you are my boyfriend"

"Then why are you ignoring all my calls?" Yuki finally spoke in a high voice. The man seemed unable to contain his emotions anymore.

"Because I know, you definitely can't come at that time" I answered honestly. My lips were already trembling saying that, but that's what I was thinking at the time.

Yuki who heard that became even more disappointed in me. He had nothing more to say to me, and turning away would leave me.

"Are you going to just leave me like that? I'm just grieving, at least if you can't come that time, you can calm me down now" I said. I don't know what's on my mind right now. I just don't want to see Yuki walk away from me.

"I just lost Emi. I'm not okay. Emi is the person I love, she loves me so much even... she likes you too, Yuki. Can't you feel same way my sorrow now?" I continued as tears continued to fall as I stared at Yuki's back.

Yuki stopped walking and turned around to look at me "I'm also not okay Luna. It seems that this time the two of us are two selfish people. We need time to think clearly" he said then turned back to leave me. I burst into tears watching him disappear from my sight.


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