The Dance

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Lena walked back and forth in front of her locker, she couldn't decide if she should go in.

'I don't know, it's just a dance. I just got here, maybe I should try and go in and try and meet people? No, no, no, I'm just going to go home. I shouldn't have even come. I'll apologize to Kara on Monday. I'm so sorry.' She thought to herself, she walked out to the door quickly. She pushed the door open as fast as she could.

Unfortunately, she nearly hit someone but they managed to catch the door without it breaking.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to." Lena apologized.

"No, it's fine. Hey Lena! Don't tell me you're leaving." Kara said with a smile on her face.

"Oh Kara, I-I just wanted to get some fresh air. I'm going to head back in there." Lena lied.

"Well, let's go in together. Jake is almost here." She smiled.

"Yeah, yeah."

"Hey Kara, are you ready? Hi Lena."

"Yup, let's go," Kara answered and Lena nodded.

The three of them walked into the dance, decorated from the ceiling down to the hardwood floor with snow and snowflakes.

"Wow, it's beautiful." Kara smiled.

"It is, I love the decorations." Lena looked around.

"Tina told me about how when she planned it, that Sadie Hawkins are sometimes called 'Snowflakes' that's how she got the idea," Jake informed them.

"Oh wow, I love it," Kara says. Jake looked down at his watch and noticed the time.

"Got to go, see you in a second." He winked then kissed her cheek.

"See you in a second."

"Wait, where is he going?"

"You'll see." She smiled, "Come on, let's go." She grabbed her hand and ran them up to the front of the stage. Once they got there the music started playing and Jake was up on stage with the rest of the guys.

The song "No Scrubs" By TLC started playing and the guys performed to the crowd of girls gathering at the front.

During the song, the only thing that Lena could think about was how Kara grabbed her hand, the rush she felt when Kara smiled and looked in her eyes and pulled her to the front. She loved the feeling, she couldn't get her mind off of it.

'Why do I feel like this? It was just her being excited to see her boyfriend perform. It's nothing, absolutely nothing.' Lena convinced herself.

The song had ended and the crowd clapped and cheered, the boys walked off the stage and some of the girls walked to the stage.

"See you in a second." Kara smiled as she rubbed her arm before leaving. She ran off to the side and walked in following her friends.

"Okay, a friendly reminder: Uh, don't eat the snowflakes. They're fake. And the glitter sticks to the roof of your mouth." Brittany says to the crowd.

"Alright, ladies, grab your date and get on the dance floor!" Tina yelled.

"Because the guys were just a warm-up for the real main attraction. Us!" Sugar continued. The crowd yelled and cheered as the music started playing "Locked Out of Heaven" by Bruno Mars.

The girls started singing and dancing around the stage. Lena watched the show with joy and cheered and laughed. She sang along with the song as it played, she was in complete awe as she watched them perform with their beautiful voices and great dance moves. Or how she performed with her beautiful voice and how she owned the stage.

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