Turning Red

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"Kara, no. You're dating Jake. It's still wrong." She steps away.

"Jake? I don't care about him, I could go tell him to sleep with someone and he will. Jake only wants me because I'm something he can't have and he wants to check me off his list. The only thing he will ever be is a playboy that tries to sleep with every woman he can." She says with slight anger in her voice, and red in her veins, looking into Lena's eyes.

"Kara, do you think that's true?"
"Of course it is, everyone knows it's true." She raises her hands to emphasize her statement.

"He's changed, he's good." She paused, "He's good for you." Lena argues.

"Good? You think I want to be with that boy? I only want to be with you." Kara says closing the distance again.

"He took me to that room to sleep with him but I stopped him because I don't want to do that, at least not with him." She softly touched her cheek, and Lena leaned into her hand.

"Now, if you took me to that room," Kara says getting even closer, and lowering her voice to a whisper. She leaned in to speak in her ear, "We would still be up there."

The words sent shivers down Lena's spine making her ache for what she has wanted since she knew her and what she knows would be a magical night but she knew it was wrong. This isn't Kara, something happened to her and she wouldn't–couldn't– live with herself if she did what they both were wanting. Reluctantly, she pulled herself away from Kara.

"Kara. Kara, look I like you but..." She made herself say her next words no matter how wrong they were, and how horrid of a way they made her feel lying to her. "I like you as a friend, nothing more."

"I can change that." Kara goes to kiss her again, not taking no for an answer but Lena pulls away and runs back into the reception. Kara stands there in disbelief, she saunters back into the reception. She heads back in with the one goal of making Lena feel jealous that she didn't go with her, not by being with Jake but by pulling Lena's eyes to her however she could.

As she went back in, she released her hair from the bun and let it fall all around her shoulders. She pulled a couple eyes away from their dates but she didn't care. There were only two eyes that she wanted, and those belonged to the one who went to the tables avoiding her.

"Hey, Santana. Do you have Kara's sister's number or her mom's?" She said stopping in front of her.

"I don't think so but Jake might."

"Ok, thanks." She turns to go towards Jake.

"Wait, why?"

"Kara is not feeling well and I think she needs her family to come to get her."

"Ok, make sure she feels better."

"I will," She goes to find Jake in the crowd.

"I didn't know she had a sister." Quinn mentioned.

"I don't think anyone did," Santana replies, looking at Kara make her way to the middle of the dance floor.

Lena found Jake talking to Ryder at a table watching Kara dance in the middle of the floor. "Hey, do you have Kara's Mom's number?"

"Yeah, why?"

"She needs to go."

"I can take her home." Jake offers, without knowing where she lives.

"I need to call her mom." She insists.

"Okay, here." Jake doesn't try to argue, he can tell that Lena is worried about her friend. Lena calls Eliza and after a couple of moments, she answers.

"Hello? Kara's Mom?" Lena asks, walking away.

"Yes? Jake?"

"No, this is Kara's friend Lena. Do you think I could talk to Alex?"

"I guess," Eliza calls for Alex who can be heard running down the stairs.



"Yes, this is Alex."

"Kara told me about her parents and her family history."

"What, why?"

"She trusts me but she has been acting weird for the last 20 minutes. Her veins turned red for a minute or two then she started acting weird." Lena explained, looking over at the woman who was enjoying herself and made Lena want nothing more than to join her.

"Dammit. I know what's going on, can you bring her here. I know it's a long drive but can you please just hurry?"

"Yeah, sure." Lena responded, pulling her eyes away from the Kryptonian's.

"I'll text Jake my number for you to have it, then I'll send you the address."

"Okay, see you soon." Lena hung up the phone, she got a text and immediately added Alex to her contacts. She sent a text saying that it was her and a text followed with the address.

"Midvale? That's far. It's going to take a while." Lena thought out loud, "I have an idea." She looked at Jake then ran away. She ran out to Kara and dragged her by her hand to the hallway.

"Hey, babe. I'm sorry, we should get out of here. I have a place to go. Just the two of us." Lena proposed.

"Let's go, I can fly us." Kara said with a smile and a dangerous look in her eyes that she had never seen before which enhanced the blue in her eyes.

"No, I have another way that I like to use." Lena pulls Kara into her car. Lena drives to a nearby airport.

"We're flying? I should've just flown us."

"Except you don't know where we are going and I want it to be a surprise."

"Fine." They walk onto the plane where Lena inputs the address, the plane takes off by itself heading towards Midvale. It even closed the windows with lead-lined curtains, thanks to Lex because he didn't want Superman to find him.

After a few hours, they arrived out front of Kara and Alex's childhood home but thanks to the specially designed jet, they landed quietly and discreetly.

"Kara, we are here. Don't look." Lena covers her eyes and guides her down the stairs where Alex is waiting.
"Hey, Kara," Alex says with a big gun in her hand.

"Alex?" Kara jumps, ready to tackle her. Her veins flared red for a few moments. "What is going on?"

The flare caught Lena and Alex off guard, Alex could see how she was in pain from it and could see how it was pulsing through her system. Lena saw the strange color and the effect it had on the sweetest person and mild-mannered person in the world. Which may or may not be a complement depending on what Kara you ask.

"I'm sorry, I had to," Lena said, stepping away seeing the red disappear and the look of shock and betrayal appear on her face. Kara looked back and forth between them, she felt like her whole world left her behind again, but this time she could do something about it. She could stop it, right?

Her veins pulsed red and she went to lunge at Alex and break the gun. But Alex was faster, she shot her making her fall to the ground.

A few seconds later, a red mist escaped from her.

"What was that?" Lena questioned.

"That was red kryptonite, Clark encountered it and this type of gun was used to save him. All I had to do was recreate it." Alex said looking at Kara's body laying on the driveway as it caught up to the present as fast as it could in the nighttime.

"Clark? Clark Kent is Superman?" She asked in disbelief.

"She didn't tell you about that, did she?" Alex looked over at her.

"No, she did not."

"Okay, let's get her inside so she can rest." Alex and Lena carried Kara up the stairs and laid her on her childhood bed.

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