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Mr. Shue walked in causing everyone to cheer for his return, moments passed and he began his lesson.

"I am back to stay. Now for my first order of business, I want to give a big shout-out to the guy who made sure I had something to come back to.... Mr. Finn Hudson." He announced, turning around and clapping.

'I wouldn't be so sure about that.' Lena thought to herself remembering what happened on Friday.

"Now for this week's assignment, Ms. Pillsbury and I are finally getting married. Which makes me the happiest, luckiest man alive. Now Emma has been handling all of the preparations so to help out I thought I would take care of the entertainment for the reception. And though this goes against tradition, it would mean the world to me and to Emma if, instead of giving your best man's speech, Finn, you would sing for us. What do you think?"

Finn hesitated for a moment, he looked around the room at everyone. "Uh, yeah, of course.."

"Perfect. For everyone else, it's a Valentine's day wedding, which means, we need some great romantic love songs at the reception." Lena just sits next to Ryder and slightly rolls her eyes at Valentine's.

"Wait, you want us to be your wedding singers? That is so-" Tina tells him.

"Awesome." Blaine finishes for her.

"Great, I have some great ideas." Mr. Shue says looking around the room, "Wait who is this?" He asks, pointing out Lena.

"Me? I'm Lena Luthor. I joined a couple of weeks ago." She explains standing and walking towards him at the piano.

"Luthor? Why does that same sound familiar?" Mr. Shue questions. Kara looks at Lena who is standing at her side and back at him.

"Does it sound familiar? I don't think it's familiar, maybe it is like some super common name? I actually know quite a few Luthors from back home." Kara says quickly covering it up. Lena softly touches her arm to get her to stop.

"Maybe, but I don't know. Anyways, welcome aboard. How have you liked your time here?" He asks her.

"Well, it was nothing compared to what home was like." She looks around everyone in the choir room listenitng to her response, "I like it." She finishes looking at everyone and stops on Kara smiling.

"Good." Glee ends and everyone walks out to go to their next class, Jake and Kara walk out to the left, and Ryder and Lena walk to the right.

"So I know it's not Valentine's Day yet, but I wanted you to open this now," Kara said, offering him a small heart-shaped tin box. She hands him the box and she could hear Lena ask Ryder something.

"So did you want to celebrate Valentine's?" She asked looking down at their interlocked hands.

"If you want to, I may have a few ideas." He tells her.

"Then, I guess we can." She says. She can't stop thinking about how she's faking everything, she stays with him so she can stay away from Kara. But she doesn't know how long she's going to avoid her, she wants to talk but has it been too long?

"Earth To Kara, Earth To Kara!" Jake says, trying to get her attention.

"What? Oh, I'm sorry. Do you like them?"

"Yes, I love the cuff links."

"I made them myself from this old typewriter Eliza and I found at a garage sale." Kara explained the "J" and "P" Cuff Links.

"I just wanted you to have them early so you could wear them to Mr. Shue's wedding."

"These are so cool, but I can't wait to give you your gift. You're gonna love it." Jake responds, but the only problem is that he hasn't gotten her anything.

"I love it already, I don't care what it is. I'll meet you after Spanish class, okay?" She says before walking away.

She walked away to go try and talk to Lena.

Lena stood by her locker grabbing her books when Kara walked over.

"Hi." Lena looked over, she wanted to stay and talk but she knew she had to walk away. Lena went to face the other way but Kara stopped her. "Lena, wait, let's talk.


"I don't like not talking every day about nothing or everything. Will you please tell me why you left after I told you?"

"I left because I wanted you to tell me the truth about anything else. Not the fact you're from the same planet as Superman, you're in more danger than ever because you are friends with me. My brother would stop at nothing to kill you as well. I couldn't handle the truth. I didn't want to, I just couldn't face you." Lena tells her.

"I'm not in more danger, I can protect myself and anyone else. Superman can stop Lex and I can protect you. The entire reason I was forced to transfer was because Lex tried to attack the school because there were rumors of me being there. I was made to transfer and live away from my family but I could've fought him and protected the school. You don't have to worry."

"Kara, I'm sorry. I need to think about what you told me and I needed time. But it went on for too long, I didn't know when I should start talking to you again. Then Ryder asked me out and I thought that was a good way to avoid you. But this has been happening for too long as well."

"It's okay, we're friends again right?"


"Okay, now tell me why you're dating Ryder." Kara grabbed Lena's arm and wrapped her's around it and started walking down the hall to their next class.

"Ok so, I danced with him at the dance then he asked me out in front of the entire class. What was supposed to say, no and humiliate him?" Lena said, making Kara laugh which filled the halls.

"I feel so bad for Ryder, do you even like him a little?"

"No, he's a good guy but there's just something I don't like about him."

"Is it the haircut? I told him it was bad." Kara says still walking but Lena stops them both.

"Kara, it's not his haircut or anything about him. It's because he is who he is." Lena says hoping Kara catches on.

"His personality? I mean that's really going to hurt his ego." Kara laughs.

"Kara, I'm serious. For a superpowered alien, you are so dumb." She takes a deep breath, she's never said it out loud. She never needed to. Everything worked out how she wanted it to before.

"Kara, I'm gay," Lena tells her looking into her blue eyes that are magnified with her glasses. Kara looks into her green and blue eyes, she moves her glasses and looks down before returning her gaze with a smile.

"That is definitely not good for Ryder, but it's good for any girl lucky enough to be in your vicinity," Kara says in a soft voice, blushing.

"Yes, I guess," Lena says smiling. "Come on, we should head to class we're late."

"Okay, let's go." They walked back to class but they didn't notice the person standing in the hallway hiding.

"Who would've guessed another girl from the glee club is gay?" She said she walked back to her office to do some research when she should've done work.

"Let's see if there's anything else I can pull up about the new students." She said looking for dirt.

After recruiting another student, it didn't take long to find out about Lena, Kara, Unique, Jake, Kitty, and Ryder. She got everything and now she could take down the horrid glee club.

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