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Monday had finally rolled around and Kara ran to Lena as soon as she walked into the school.

"Lena! Lena! Did you hear what happened??"

"What? What happened?" Lena asked worriedly looking at her friend.

"Sam and Blaine found out that the Warblers were using steroids!" Kara excitedly says.

"Who are the Warblers? Why are you so happy?"

"The Warbles are our worst enemy at least that's what Sam and Blaine say and they won Sectionals because of-- Because they were doing flips. So the steroids--"

"The steroids got them the win so they're disqualified." Lena finished for her.

"Exactly! Now the New Directions can go to Regionals! Then Nationals!"

"Oh my god! That's amazing!"

"Yes, it is! Now there's a possibility that we can be back-to-back Nationals Champions!" Kara excitedly says. "Come on, emergency glee meeting let's go." Kara grabs Lena's hand and pulls her into the choir room.

Lena's heart skipped a beat feeling Kara's hand in hers and seeing Kara smile at her. Lena couldn't understand why her heart was racing and her thoughts were only on Kara's eyes and her countless wonderful smiles.

"I could sell more of my semen," Sam says with a straight face as Lena and Kara enter the choir room.

"That sounds....troubling," Lena says under her breath to Kara. Kara laughs loudly at her joke and turns back to her as she continues to pull her into a seat in the back of the room.

"I don't even want to know." She replies.

"This is silly, I know exactly how we're going to get the money," Tina says walking up to stand next to Finn.

"Inspired by our very own Sam Evans." Tina pauses.

"Please don't say we're going to start selling parts of ourselves," Lena says, remembering what Sam had just said.

"Not quite, The Men of McKinley Calendar. Sam suggested it a couple of years ago. And let's face it this is the cutest crop of glee boys we've ever had. No offense Finn." Finn gives her a puzzled look.

"And it's January so it is the perfect time to sell them." Kara chimes in.

"There are six guys, so each guy can take two months." Tina says before smiling, "Blaine should definitely do December, you can do a Santa thing but sexy. Sexy Claus."

"I'm in as long as I can take my shirt off," Sam replies to Tina, Lena just rolls her eyes.

"Wait, why does it have to be just the men? Why can't we objectify the girls too?" Artie points out.

"Cause girls are the ones that buy stuff. We're responsible for the consumer-driven economy." Kitty interjects.

"Those Twilight books are poop on paper, and we've turned them into a billion-dollar industry." Lena backs up Kitty who just gives her a semi-proud look.

"Team Jacob," Unique says and receives a high five and a smile from Joe.

"Wait, this could actually work. Tina," Finn pauses and turns to her, "You're in charge. You can set up the photoshoots. Everybody else, pick your months and work on your concepts."

Everyone claps as the meeting draws to a close for the men to go off and start brainstorming.

"Hey, what are you doing after school today?" Brittany whispers to Kara who just pauses.

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