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"I want to sit under Venus." Sugar said that a student in the hall had heard as a group of students were walking into a classroom behind Sugar.

"I want to sit under Uranus." Sam said. The student in the hall couldn't believe someone actually said that and she chuckled. The soft chuckled turned a head of one of the students heading into the room.

Inside the classroom, a couple of the kids chuckled at what Sam had said.

"What's so funny?" He questioned.

"So this week in glee club, its ladies' choice, inspired by the Sadie Hawkins Dance." Finn said at the front of the classroom.

"Which I though of. It was my idea." Tina says raising her hand. The student from outside the hall was standing close to the entrance listening in on the conversations happening in the science room.

"Yes, thank you, Tina. And every girl will sing to whoever they want to take to the dance. " The teacher responded to her. One of the students looked forward at the boy sitting in front of her with a sad look on her face.

"Well, I, for one, love this lesson. I've got a song I want to sing to somebody." A student says looking at the same boy as he smiled back at her.

The woman behind him let her face fall slightly. "Also, I should let you know that this pervert has been standing here this whole time." She said pointing out the woman in the hall who was moving around her belongings in her locker aimlessly.

"Kitty, it's not nice to call someone that. She was just in her locker or something." Finn said.

"Ok, then why don't you ask her yourself." Kitty said pulling her by the arm in the room.

"Kitty, don't bother the nice lady." Blaine said lifting his hand to point at the student.

"No, its fine. I didn't mean to snoop. This class just seemed so interesting and I liked the energy here. It's very different than my school back home." She said with a smile looking around the room.

"It's all good, would you like to join or sit in to see if you would like to join, Ms.?" Finn asked.

"Luthor, Lena Luthor. And I think that would be nice." She replied as her smile faded slightly.

"Great! You can go ahead and sit back there next to her." Finn said pointing at the blonde.

"Thank you." Lena said, she walked to where she was and sat down. "Hi, I'm Lena."

"I'm Kara Danvers, welcome to McKinley." She said with a smile.

'Luthor? Like Lex? I don't think I should bring it up, if she truly is his sister I don't think she would want to be known as that. I think everyone should be judged based on their own merits.' Kara thought to herself.

"Hey. I can see you deep in thought about something, is it something about the face I saw you making as I passed by the class." Lena asked.

"What? I wasn't making a face. Okay fine, I was. I can't believe you saw right through me, I just met you a second ago."

"I guess I'm pretty good." Lena smiled.

"Good meeting everyone, go and find your songs to ask out one of the guys." Finn said enthusiastically.

"Come on, I'll show you to your next class." Kara smiled.

"Sure, my next class is with Ms. Holliday."

"That's my next class too. You can sit next to me."

The Next Day

"I don't know why I have to go here, it sucks. I got bullied by this mean girl trying to intimidate me, I like this one guy but he's acting so different since I fainted because that one guy brought Kryptonite to Sectionals, they all think I haven't been eating but I was out trying to stop the small attacks around town. Maybe its better they think that. If I could put some distance between me and the people maybe they can be safe, you know? But why did Eliza even transfer me here?" Kara ranted into her phone.

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