You Know You Make Me Want To Shout, </3?

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"This is a group competition, boys against girls and we are doing Mash-ups. Now, remember, movies are visual. So it's not just about the singing, it's about performance, it's about theatricality. It's about the language of cinema." Mr. Shue announces to the class.

"Did he make up the word 'Theatricality'?" Lena leans over to Kara. She smiles and Kitty leans to continue the conversation.

"Quinn told me that when she was here, they had a week dedicated to it." She says bragging about her "friendship" with Quinn.

"...micro-budget feature," Artie was saying as they talked, everyone cheered for him producing the film.

"I'm happy to offer starring roles to whichever team wins. No trailers, no per diem." He announces and the group goes wild wanting to be in his movie, making this competition much more competitive.

"Great, okay. Everyone split up and start working on your song choices." No one really heard Mr. Shue speak again, they were already trying to find the best movie.

"Ok, what if we did 'Grease'? Like 'We Go Together' or 'Greased Lightnin'?" Lena asked, looking at the girls in their circle.

"I'm sorry Lena, but we already did that for the school musical. It was before you were here." Kara apologized.

"Let's not relive the whole thing that happened because of it." Sugar says.

"I don't know what was happening but that was when Kara started-" Kitty said trying to incriminate herself.

"I started nothing." Kara interrupted, and she was telling the truth. While Kitty was trying to get her to feel bad about her 'Mom' that worked in the cafeteria and was overweight saying that she was going to become like her which is extremely messed up. The person in the cafeteria was actually Alex's aunt who is letting Kara stay with her since the rest of her family was in Midvale.

Everyone found out Kara was adopted right after Sectionals at the first glee meeting after they lost which was outside in the snow.

"Okay," Lena said as Kara looked at each girl standing there. "So what do you guys have in mind?"

"I have a few ideas actually," Tina spoke up.

The Next Day At Lunch

"Guys, Brittany and I were talking," Blaine says walking to Jake, Sam, Kara, and Tina.

"And we agree that though we love that it's mash-up week and that it's girls versus boys," Brittany says, continuing his sentence.

"It sucks that the guys and the girls can't do a number together, so we were thinking, just as a warm-up, we should do the guys versus girls in the same number, to kick things off." Blaine continues.

"And then the girls can kick the boys' butts."

"Or vice versa," Blaine argues.

"Which is my favorite Fred Savage movie."

"Well, it'd have to be the perfect movie song, you know, like, uh 'Dream Warriors' from 'Nightmare on Elm Street 3'," Sam suggests.

"Yeah, or a good song like 'Let the River Run' from 'Working Girl'," Tina says.

"Or 'Over The Rainbow' from 'The Wizard of Oz," Kara said excitedly.

"Nope, Mr. Shue sang that to us our Freshman year," Tina said, remembering it as clear as day.

"How about this, the perfect movie song, totally iconic and everyone loves it, a little ditty from the seminal American college comedy. 'Animal House'." Blaine said doing a thumbs up and then taking a few steps back to begin the song.

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