Let's Go Battle

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"I can't believe she's doing this!" Blaine yelled walking down the hallway.

"Who are you talking about?" Lena asked catching up to him.

"Sue! She said that because I signed this contract back in December to be a cheerio it's 'legally binding' but then when I quit a day later because everyone thought glee was ending but then it didn't. Now, she's holding that against me." Blaine says as he walked down the hall to his locker.

"Did you actually sign the contract?" Lena asked, trying to help him.

"No, it's a forgery." He said leaning his head and back on his locker.

"Well, why don't you fight back? It's feud week in glee club, why don't you challenge her?" Lena proposed.

"But that's mainly for Finn and Mr. Shue about Finn kissing Ms. Pillsbury."He responded pressing his eyes closed.

"Why don't you just think about it?" Lena asked him before she walked away as Becky walked up to Blaine on his way to his next class.

"Sorry I yelled, Gay Blaine. Here." She apologized handing him Cover Boy Hair Gel.

"Oh, Cover Boy Hair Gel. This is really expensive, thanks Becky." He thanked her as she walked right past him.

The Next Day

"This was your idea and I need your help," Blaine said rushing over to Lena and slamming her locker door.

"Wait, back up. What's going on?" Lena questioned him.

"It was your idea to feud with Sue and now after what she's done with the cement hair gel, the loans that ruined my parents' credit, and that sign! We are feuding and it's Mariah vs Nicki, you are going to help me." Blaine explained.

"No, I won't help you," Lena responded crossing her arms.

"What? Why?"

"Because I have an idea that will get you to win, if there's one thing you should know about me is that I'm dedicated and when I put my mind to it I can accomplish anything," Lena said poking at his chest with her finger, intimidating him.

"So how am I going to win?" He asked worried and scared.

"You'll see," She walked away to her next class walking past Kara and Jake at their lockers opposite each other with Blaine chasing after her.

"Wait! Come back! What's your idea?!" He yelled after her.

"This is stupid," Jake mumbled loud enough for Kara to hear.

"Are you talking to me again?" She asked turning around.

"I don't know, why did you do it? Why were you going to cheat on me?" He asked looking at her.

"I don't know, something that I literally could not fight came over me. I knew it was wrong that it was wrong but I had no control, I was powerless." Kara explained.

"Like that's supposed to make me feel better," Jake responded looking back at his locker.

"Please, Jake. What can I say to make you believe me and not hate me?" She pleaded, going to stand next to him.

"Tell me the truth. I need full transparency, why couldn't you control yourself?" He looked in her direction but not at her.

"I-I," Kara looked at his eyes and she could see what the lies did to him but she still felt this aching feeling in her stomach to not trust him with this secret, but that he should be told some version of the truth that would ease his mind.

"Something was slipped into my drink that I had at the party," She closed her eyes, hating herself for the excuse she used and how she had to lie like this and use this lie. "and it just affected me really badly and made me see and feel things that weren't there. It turns out I'm allergic."

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