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The four of them arrived at the long awaited wedding for Ms. Pillsbury and Mr.Shue. They walked to a row that was clear and semi-close to the front. Ryder and Jake had worn matching suits and matching ties while Kara wore a pink dress and a white cover-up, her hair tied up in a small bun. Lena wore a red dress with big flowers all around with her hair down and gently curled.

"Please, you first," Ryder said to both of them.

"Yes, both of you first," Jake said, holding out his hand for them to follow. The girls walked into the row where there seemed to be two bouquets of flowers.

"Roses! These are beautiful. I love them, how did you know?" Kara exclaimed.

"Because you keep a small rose in your locker and Jake saw it." Ryder covered for him, nudging his shoulder slightly.

"Yes, I did." He replied rubbing his arm.

"Calla Lilies? How did you know?" Lena turned to face Ryder, "My brother used to give these to me." Lena lowered her voice to a whisper looking back at the flowers, "When he thought I messed up." Lena put a fake smile on to cover her disappointment.

"Well, I saw a picture of them in your locker once and I remembered." Ryder says.

"Thank you, these are amazing," Kara said for both of them. Lena and Kara sat down next to each other and started whispering.

"You would get them from your brother?"

"Yeah, he would give me one and I learned that it meant he thought I screwed something up. So whenever I see it, I can only see my mistakes. I keep a photo up to remind myself to not make any mistakes."

"I'm sorry," Kara apologized. "You don't need to have that photo up anymore." She told her; trying to let her know that no matter what she does, she could never make a mistake.

At least in Kara's eyes.

"It's fine. Are roses your favorite?" Lena whispered.

"Not really, my sister gave me a rose the first valentine's day I spent on earth to teach me all about Earth's cultures. So I keep one to remind me of my first year on Earth and remember my life on Krypton. But do you want to know what my real favorite flower is?"

"What is it?"

"I had this one flower back home that would grow with you as you grew and my grandmother gave me one on my first birthday. It's called the 'Dar-Essa Flower'. It's so beautiful."

"I bet, it's from another planet." Lena laughed, Kara laughed along with her then smiled looking at her roses.

"My mom used to tease me about how quickly I outpaced it," Kara said in a voice that was not much louder than a whisper but it caught Jake and Ryder's attention.

"Wow, you defied the flower laws." Lena joked.

"What about outpacing something?" Ryder asked.

"Oh nothing, we were just joking." Lena covered.

"Oh okay," Jake said unconvinced.

The wedding march started playing and everyone turned to look as Becky threw flowers and walked down the aisle. Once she passed by, the doors opened to reveal Sue in an exact replica of Emma's dress. Everyone looked in awe of the sight they saw as she sauntered down the aisle.

She walked over to Will and whispered something that no one could hear, and Kara refused to listen in.

A few minutes after Will stood there looking forward, the groomsmen and bridesmaids started escorting everyone out of the room. Leaving Will and Finn to sit and talk.

After about an hour or two, Santana came out and announced to everyone that while the wedding is canceled the reception will still go on at the hotel like planned.

"This has been weird," Jake said.

"Tell me about it," Artie said, rolling past them.

The reception continued as normal if there were a wedding just without the bride and groom stuff.

The glee kids all sang their songs except for Jake and Kara. Kurt and Blaine finished "Just Can't Get Enough" and walked off stage.

The DJ started playing a few songs before the next and second to last group went up.

The song before Jake and Kara went up was halfway over and they walked over next to the stage to get ready when they heard a commotion by the baby cupcakes.

"Did you Vapo-rape my ex-boyfriend?! Don't you walk away from me, Tina Cohen-Chang!" Kurt yelled going after her.

"I don't think I want to know what happened there," Kara said.

"Me either." The song ended and they walked up on stage, Lena stood in the crowd with Ryder, dancing. They looked up at the stage for a few moments before the song started.

Finally, it was Kara's turn to sing for the would-be wedding. She looked over at Jake, and the music began to play.

"Many times I've tried to tell you. Many times I cried alone." Kara sings looking out at the crowd.

"Always I'm surprised how well you cut my feelings to the bone. Don't want to leave you really." She looked over at Jake who stood there waiting for his turn to begin singing.

"I've invested too much time to give you up that easy." Kara looked back to the crowd, she scanned it for her. Then in a second of pure happiness, Lena locked onto her eyes as soon as Kara looked at her.

"To the doubts that complicate your mind." Kara smiled looking into her eyes in the crowd, it felt like they were the only ones there.

"We belong to the light, we belong to the thunder. We belong to the sound of the words we've both fallen under. Whatever we deny or embrace for worse or for better. We belong, we belong, we belong together." Kara kept her eyes on Lena as she and Ryder slowly danced to the song. Jake looked over at Kara as he sang with her.

"Maybe it's a sign of weakness. When I don't know what to say. Maybe I just wouldn't know what to do with my strength anyway. Have we become a habit? Do we distort the facts? Now there's no looking forward. Now there's no turning back when you say."

Jake sang with Kara coming in a few times but she kept eye contact with Lena, she started blushing in the crowd because of the gaze Kara kept with her. Kara smiled at her beautifully pink cheeks.

She sang the rest of the song to Lena, except the few times when she had to look over at Jake.

Kara knew what she was feeling and she couldn't deny it, Lena could tell too. Jake on the other hand was completely oblivious, well not oblivious he knew that they had something whether it was friendship or love. No matter how much Ryder tried to convince him. 

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