What Happens At A Wedding Stays At A Wedding, Kind Of...

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Kara and Jake walked off the stage and went to rejoin the crowd and continue to dance.

After about 10 minutes, Lena and Kara accidentally bumped into each other.

"It's so crazy to see you here." Lena joked.

"I know, right? I never thought I would see you here." Kara returned.

"Hey, why don't we catch up?" Kara proposed.

"Yes, let's do that!" Lena smiled, they walked away from their dates.

"Did they just leave us?" Jake questioned.

"Yes, yes they did. Come here, I got presents." Ryder said, hitting his arm, Jake followed him to a table. They sat down and looked at their dates across the floor laughing and talking.

Ryder pulled out two boxes and handed the light red one to Jake.

"Here, this is for Kara. I got one for Lena. Yes, you will pay me back for that." Ryder said.

"What is it?"

"It's a bracelet with her name on it and a heart, Lena's has her name and a cute little arrow."

"Thank you so much, man. This is really going to help me." Jake said.

"What do you mean?"

"I got a room upstairs, just in case," Jake says, pulling out a card.

"Oh, so you're doing this to sleep with her?" Ryder says disappointed, both in his friend and the fact he helped go against Kara's wishes.

"Totally, and this is going to seal the deal."

"She's not ready for that, didn't she tell you that she wanted to take this slow?

"Yeah, but all this romance is like nitrous. And she has a bad case of Puckerman Fever, this is going to make the condition fatal." Jake says.

"Look, man. I respect you for respecting her boundaries and taking it slow but right now you need to let her let you know when she's ready."

"Maybe, but you gave me a great road to get laid tonight." Jake went to get up but Ryder stopped him.

"Why don't you let them talk, just for a minute? We can sit here and talk."

"No you're right, plus this will give me more points as the 'patient boyfriend'." Jake winked.

"Yeah, points," Ryder said, he now knew what kind of guy Jake was but he thought he changed for Kara.


"So what did you want to talk about?" Lena asked as she got the baby cupcakes and took two. She handed one to Kara.

"I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go somewhere cool?" Kara asked excitedly.

"I don't know what you mean by cool."

"Like awesome?"

"Okay, just nowhere too scary." Lena agreed.

"Okay, perfect. I'll show you tomorrow morning." She smiled.

"Morning? When are you talking about?"

"Like 4am or so?"

"This better be worth it." Lena teased.

"It will be." Kara smiled and nudged her arm.

"I swear if you take me somewhere and I die. I will kill you." Lena playfully threatens.

Kara laughs and smiles, "Like you could kill me."

"Are you saying I'm going to die?" Lena jokes.

"No, no. You'll be fine. The strongest person on this planet has got you." Kara laughs.

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