Modifying The Contradiction

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Meanwhile back in the meeting, Finn stood up and walked closer to Sue.

"Sue, it's time for you to leave." He said with a flat yet threatening tone.

"Oh no. I still have more information about all of you." She told them looking at them, she saw their faces and knew that she had actually got under their skin again and she could use this to her advantage.

"You know what, I will leave but I will be back. Watch out." She threatened before walking out the door to see Kara standing looking back and forth between the two halls. Rather, between the two people.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't just perfect little blue-eyed blondie." Kara looked over at her confused.

"I told you, I can't find a good insult for you." Sue told her, "Why are you standing there like a deer in headlights?"

"Because of you, my life is falling apart." She said in a frustrated tone, she pushed past her. Hard. It pushed Sue into a nearby locker.

"How the hell did you do that?" She called out to her, she turned around continuing to walk backward.

"None of your business." She yelled back, she turned back around and walked away. Sue rubbed her arm that was slammed into the locker.

"There's something up with that girl, and I will find out. Watch out little perfect puppy." Sue said aloud to herself before walking back to her office. Kara was too consumed by her own thoughts to listen to Sue. She just didn't care.

Later That Night

"Look man, I don't think I can trust her," Jake told Ryder in the gym part of the locker room.

"Jake, do you love her?" Ryder asked, lifting some weights.

"Yes, but-"

"No buts, you love her. Do you really think that my girlfriend and yours like each other?"

"I don't know."

"Exactly you don't, Kara's pan, its fine and Lena is not gay. I mean look at these guns." He lifted his arms and started flexing, "There was no way she could resist these."

"Maybe you're right, I think it was her just not telling me that got me all screwed up." He said sitting up.

"And?" Ryder said trying to get him to keep opening up and talking.

"And they are close friends so it makes sense they would talk and defend each other."

"Now you get it, it'll be fine man. Also?"

"Also, I was in the wrong for assuming. I should've just trusted her and not confronted her after Sue said all of that."

"Exactly, now. You are going to make it up to her and we are going to give our girlfriends a wonderful Valentine's Week. I have some great ideas." Ryder before picking up another weight.

"You better, let's do it."


Kara and Lena sat next to each other working on a group project, but it was hard for Kara to focus because Ryder could not stop tapping his foot.

"What is going on with you? Did you buy more of those 11-hour energy shots? Because there's a reason they're illegal in Canada." Kara asked Ryder who turned back to talk to her.

"Nothing's going on. What could be going on? It's history class." He clicked his pen at her then turned back around.

"What is wrong with him?" Lena whispered.

"I have no idea," Kara whispered back. Jake walked in with a group of guys behind him all dressed in red suits and pink shirts and a band. He whispered to Mr. Shue for a second before speaking to the whole class.

"Hello. This is kind of embarrassing, but–" Jake started.

"Jake, what are you doing?! Are you really standing up in front of everyone and singing to prove your love for Kara?" Ryder said, talking in a way that seemed completely scripted.

"Yes, Ryder. Yes, I am." He said pointing at him.

"Wow, that's so crazy and emotionally vulnerable. I had no idea. Oh, wait. I did." Ryder said, standing up and unzipping his jacket to reveal his red suit.

"And are you joining me to sing for Lena?"

"You are right, my good fellow." He winked at Lena before joining Jake up at the front.

"Kara, I know this is one of your favorite songs, so this is for you," Jake said. They walked over and pulled them both to the front and had them sit in the front.

"Lena, this song is dedicated to you as well because this is what you make me feel." Ryder said in a soft voice to her, and it could've been argued it was for only her or someone else in that room that was also very close to him or her.

"​​I'd never gone with the wind, just let it flow. Let it take me where it wants to go. 'Til you opened the door. And there's so much more. I'd never seen it before." Jake sang while dancing with the rest of the guys, he stepped back for Ryder to step in.

"I was trying to fly, but I couldn't find wings. But you came along and you changed everything. You lift my feet off the ground." He sang to Lena who just sat there with a smile.

"You spin me around. You make me crazier, crazier. Feels like I'm falling and I. I'm lost in your eyes. You make me crazier, crazier, crazier. I watched from a distance as you. " Jake and Ryder sang together, they walked over to their respective girlfriends and held their hands. They both started dancing with Kara and Lena around the class.

"Made life your own. Every sky was your own kind of blue. And I wanted to know how that would feel. And you made it so real. You showed me something that I couldn't see. You opened my eyes and you made me believe. You lift my feet off the ground. You spin me around."

They stared into the girls' eyes meaning every word. Kara looked back into Jake's but she couldn't help but feel conflicted.

Lena looked at Ryder, she saw the feelings he had in his eyes. She felt so bad for leading him on, but she can't stop him now. It would hurt him and it would ruin it for Jake and Kara. So she kept dancing with him and listened to the song as they kept singing.

"I'm lost in your eyes. You make me crazier, crazier, crazier, oh-oh." Ryder sang a solo to Lena as Kara and Jake kept slow dancing in the back of the room.

"Baby, you showed me what living is for. I don't wanna hide anymore, oh-oh. You lift my feet off the ground. You spin me around. You make me crazier, crazier." Ryder continued singing.

It was Jake's turn to sing again and looked into Kara's blue eyes. She looked back into his eyes and he walked her back to the front to join Lena and Ryder.

"Feels like I'm falling and I. I'm lost in your eyes."

Ryder and Jake sang in unison holding their girlfriends. "You make me crazier, crazier, crazier. Crazier, crazier..."

They finished the song, and everyone clapped. Kara hugged Jake with a smile, Lena saw her hugging him so only to not raise suspicion she did the same.

"I loved that!" Kara said.

"It was amazing." Lena told Ryder.

"They liked it!" Both of the boys said which prompted more clapping. Lena looked over at Kara happy and smiling at Jake and her face fell slightly.

**Author's Note**

How would y'all feel if I posted the next chapter sometime tomorrow (Sunday 3/6) instead? Or would you prefer it to continue on it's regular schedule?

P.S I will still post a chapter every saturday at 10:42 am or pm but I wanted to ask if y'all wanted an extra chapter this week?

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