Chapter 5.

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The behaviour difficulty that is included in this chapter is a real life behaviour difficulty and usually affects more boys than girls. There are many others I could have chosen but I thought this one seemed the most fitting to the story.

A few days later, Ny took Madison to the doctor. They found out the reason for her behaviour difficulties. She has oppositional defiant disorder or ODD. This means that she is/has:

Easily angered, annoyed or irritated

Frequent temper tantrums

Argues frequently with adults, particularly the most familiar adults in their lives, such as parents

Refuses to obey rules

Seems to deliberately try to annoy or aggravate others

Low self-esteem

Low frustration threshold

Seeks to blame others for any misfortunes or misdeeds.

They can get help for her which includes therapy to try and help Madison understand her behaviour. Ny and Lewis also have the option of marriage counselling so they're on the same level and are able to work together. They make their way home and Ny tells Lewis that she has ODD and explains what it is.

Lewis: So that's the reason she's been like she has?

Ny: Yeah.

Lewis: Will it ever go or not?

Ny: No but with the right treatment, it should get better as she gets older.

Lewis: So for now, we stick with it?

Ny: Yeah, it looks that way.

Lewis: Well, I guess all we can do is try and help her.

Ny: I might phone T and try and make friends with her?

Lewis: Why?

Ny: The doctor said it's possible that Madison has picked up on the fact that me and T aren't mates and we used to be, so I want to try and sort things out.

Lewis: OK well that's your choice.

Ny: Yeah, I'm gonna go and phone her. Will you be alright down here?

Lewis: Yeah I'll be fine, go talk to T.

Ny: Thanks Lew.

Lewis: It's OK.

Ny goes upstairs to phone Tulisa and she tells her that Madison has ODD and she wants to sort things out with her.

Tulisa: Ny, I'm so sorry.

Ny: I want us to be in each other's lives. I want our three girls to try and be friends and I want us to be mates. You never know, Lewis and Danny might make friends. The Doctor said it might have been caused by the fact that me and you aren't close mates anymore and Madison realised that. She might be a naughty kid but she's not daft.

Tulisa: I want us to be mates too. We used to be so close until I found out you pregnant with Madison and I hated that because I thought I'd lost my best friend. I sort of did lose you in a way.

Ny: You'd never have lost me for good T. I'd never have let that happen. Please can we come and see you, just to talk one day?

Tulisa: Tell you what, give me your number because you've probably changed it, I'll speak to Danny and you'll be able to come down today. I'll drop you a text and let you know the time. The house is big enough for the three of you to stay the night if you want. I want my best friend back and I want our kids to be mates.

What happened next? (Sequel to The Rise Of N-Dubz)Where stories live. Discover now