Ch. 9 - Fall Into Me

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Fall Into Me - Forrest Blakk

"The day that I met you, The world had just spit me out. On my way to the bottom, Sure I'd never be found. Then you saw me for me, Made me believe in myself. On the day that I met you, It all turned around."


The night was pleasantly cool. Being in Florida, it doesn't ever get very cold, even during the winter months, but I was thankful for the change in temperature. I loved it when it got cold out.

We walked down the sidewalk and I made sure that I stayed on the side closest to the passing cars to be a gentlewoman.

Keeping her eyes cast down the street in front of her, Lizzie asked "So, stranger, where are you taking me?"

"Actually, we're not strangers anymore, remember? So, I'm going to need you to amend that question."

She rolled her eyes and quipped back with "Okay person I've known for for two hours, where are you taking me".

A genuine, loud laugh left my body at her sarcastic reply and my hand reflexively went to my stomach in response.

"Was that better?"

"Yeah, I guess so? I'm not sure but it made me laugh so I'll take it" I replied smiling at her.

She looked back at me with a toothy grin. "Good," she said. "I like your laugh".

I felt my face heat up at her comment and said "Thanks. I really like yours too."

She looked at me quizzically. "You haven't really heard it, though." She pointed out, raising a questioning eyebrow.

"Not in person, no."

Was that a weird thing to say? Feels like that was a really weird thing to say.

I chanced a glance at her and, to my relief, saw her smirking to herself.

"Sorry. I didn't mean for that to come off creepy." I let out an uncomfortable chuckle as my hand found its way to the back of my neck. My tell-tale sign that I felt uncomfortable or embarrassed.

"Hey, don't be embarrassed. It's okay."

How did she just read my mind? Does she have mind reading abilities in real life too? No, of course she doesn't....... but what i-

I was pulled out of my thoughts as a group of college-age kids were walking down the sidewalk to me and I felt Lizzie's body language get a bit defensive. She was probably worried about getting recognized. As they got closer, she kept her head cast down and gripped onto my arm so as to not get caught in the crowd.

Breathe, Y/N. You only have Elizabeth fucking Olsen holding onto your arm so she doesn't get separated from you. No biggie. I felt my face blush a bright scarlet again from her touch.

'Damn, Y/N how many times are you going to fucking blush like that? You're really not being very secretive here.' I thought to myself. However, even when the large group had long passed, she didn't let go. My heart was pounding so fast I was praying to the heavens above that she didn't notice. I couldn't wipe off the shit-eating grin that was plastered on my face though. Elizabeth Olsen was still holding onto my arm.

After a couple more minutes of walking in a  close, comfortable silence, we finally made it to where I was leading us. The Tampa Riverwalk.

This was one of my favorite places to go and clear my mind. Sometimes I would run along the river if I wanted to get some exercise in, sometimes I would rollerblade with Taylor, other times I would just come and sit on one of the benches that overlooked the water and just be. People would bring their kids, dogs, and significant others. The benches were a great place to people-watch too and just hang out.

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