Ch. 41 - It's Nice To Have A Friend

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It's Nice To Have  A Friend - Taylor Swift

"It's nice to have a friend"



I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring on the bedside table in my dark room. 6:45am came way too damn early and I was so freaking tired. This was a weekend full of highs and lows and I felt like my emotions were riding on a rollercoaster. Right now, we were coasting, but I couldn't help but wonder if there was going to be another drop.

I must have been snoozing in that place where you're not really asleep but you're not really awake either cause I start feeling soft kisses being littered all over my forehead, cheeks, chin and closed eyes. I couldn't help but smile as I felt them and slowly opened up my eyes to see Lizzie grinning down at me, trailing my jaw line with her fingers.

"I think that might be the best way to wake up, ever." I said, still drowsy from sleep.

"I can think of a better way, but that's for another morning."

My eyes shot open at her remark and I found her smirking back at me, trying to hold in a laugh.

"Damn, Liz. Gutter brain at 6:50 in the morning?" I shot back at her.

She put on a teasing grin before looking at the time and back at me, "It's actually 7:15"


I shot out of bed, absolutely freezing because I was but ass naked from our sexual escapades from the night before, and ran into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I put my hair into a low bun, put on underwear and a t-shirt, threw a hat on as well as some sweatpants and a hoodie and ran back into the room to kiss Lizzie goodbye.

"Have a great day, babe! Go be a superhero!"

"I think that's your job, but okay." I said jokingly as I put my shoes on and tied my shoelaces.

"Yeah, but you're a real-life super hero. All teachers are. I only play one."

I melted at her words before standing back up and giving her another kiss. "Thank you, baby, but I think you are in real-life as well. Don't miss me too much while I'm gone." I said, winking at her as I left the room, grabbed my keys and a banana and ran out the door.


I pulled into my unassigned/assigned parking space and got out, quickly making my way inside and into my classroom. When I was done setting up for the day, I sat and waited in my chair, deciding on answering some emails and getting some last minute equipment and team apparel for the softball season.

Damn, I really wish I had some coffee right about now. I was in such a rush this morning that I didn't have time to make any for myself. Sighing, I leaned back in my chair and heard the bell ring indicating the start of first period.

I opened my door and stood outside, greeting all of my students that came in one-by-one.

The lesson went by quickly as did the class periods. By fourth period, I had found a groove and was really enjoying our book talk. I do a 'Book Of The Week' every Monday to try and get these kids interested in something other than their phones. I have really enjoyed it because one, I love books and talking about books, and two, the kids learn a little more about me and it sparks some interesting conversations which I loved.

Bri walked into the classroom and immediately said "Ms. Y/L/N!"

"Bri!" I said back with the same enthusiasm.

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