Episode 2: Brawl in the Hall

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~In the Man Cave~

Nothing is ever normal, not when you're a superhero. But for once, the not-so-normal thing wasn't happening to (y/n) or Ray or even Henry, it was Charlotte who had landed herself in hot water. It had been a regular day at school, she'd been in class, learned some stuff, had lunch and had just been about to go to Junk-N-Stuff for work, but then, she ran into trouble. Trouble being Bysh Bilsky, the infamous sister of the school's number one bully, Mitch.

It had all started when they were waiting for Piper to drive them to work, a terrible idea but neither she nor Henry could be bothered to walk and Piper had a licence technically, so why the hell not? It had all gone to shit when Jasper told them that in his detention session, he'd had the absolute pleasure of spending the hour with Bysh herself and the friends had taken a moment to just reminisce about the time she had hilariously put a scorpion in Miss Shapen's purse, something that in Swellview High was legendary, not that Bysh took it that way.

She'd, unfortunately, walked through the corridor at the wrong moment and overheard something about her name, followed Charlotte laughing. Jumping to the conclusion, the notorious, rough girl got into a bit of a scuffle with the certainly less bulky teen and challenged her to a fight, like they were some kind of freaky knights or wrestlers. Of course, Charlotte freaked out at the situation, not wanting to get into trouble or beaten to a pulp, but when Henry tried to pop a gumball so Kid Danger could teach Bysh a lesson (she blew a raspberry in his face, she deserved it), he and Jasper rounded the corner to see that she'd chucked poor Charlotte into a trash can, something which Piper couldn't resist to hype up.

Where were the teachers? Well, Miss Shapen did turn up eventually and for a second, she was like an angel sent down as a saving grace, until Piper opened her mouth, spilling everything about the fight; when it was happening, who was competing and how she was gonna profit from it, mark her words. Miss Shapen argued that neither of the girls could fight in school, by allowing it she would definitely get the sack, but there wasn't a rule about brawling out of school hours. Loopholes, they're great.

Sharona was adamant, the girl would have to have their fight when no teachers were about, so the date was set. Seven-thirty, Monday morning, Bysh Bilsky versus Charlotte, the fight of the century and it wasn't long before the shitstorm on Piper's fairly popular Twitflash reached the news. Some people have strange things to report on.

"Ray! Ray! I need you! Where are you?!" (y/n) screamed, rushing down from the sprocket as she searched her home from top to bottom for her handsome boyfriend, who hadn't been in the bathroom, hadn't been in the bedroom, hadn't been in the kitchen. He was lounging around on the couch, reading some crappy book and snacking on chips when she came bounding down to excitedly tackle him, her knees straddling his waist as she whipped the book from his hands and forced him to look into her eyes. What was all the excitement for?

"Sweet girl, you still needy after this morning? Two and a half hours not good enough for you? You know you'll have to wait until tonight, 'cause Henry and Charlotte will be here any minute." Ray smirked, his hands settling on her hips as she blushed and looked away from him as she understood the entendre. It was true, their morning had been particularly busy and she'd be a liar if she said that just a tad more wouldn't be unwanted, but that's not what she had run across the Man Cave to tell him. She had news, important news, not that he was interested; her figure was much more enthralling and his hands were starting to wander.

"No, it's not that. And I'm the needy one? Your hands are on my ass." (y/n) whined, trying to keep her on the ball, but he had a one-track mind. He could never get enough of her and at the endearing sight of her red cheeks, he trailed his touched up her spine, bringing her body closer to his so she could rest her cheek on his chest and his arms could settle around her waist. A comfy position, one where he could regularly press kisses to the top of her head and temple, smell the scent of her shampoo and perfume and she could hear the thump-thump-thump of his heartbeat.

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