Episode 8.5: The Hero And His Helper

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"Line up, line up...come on, line up!" Ray hissed to the others under his breath, waving his hands at them like a madman while keeping an eye on his oblivious girl.

Thank god she was still checking their databases and voicemail. Otherwise, she'd see how much of a nervous wreck he was, clasping his hands around the ring box and wringing them together to try and stop them from getting clammy as Henry, Jasper, Charlotte and Schwoz did as he said.

They had no idea why he needed a line or was so snappy, but they put it down to nerves when they saw the sweat dabbing at his forehead and the way he couldn't stop swallowing. Right, nervous, really fucking nervous, that made sense.

If they were tense, they couldn't imagine how he felt, minutes away from making the most romantic gesture one could, the ultimate confession of his feelings to the girl he was crazy about and whilst they knew that nothing could mess it up, not his fumbling or any tongue-tied rambling, he wouldn't believe that.

This had been planned and honed meticulously, shaped and carved with the most intricate details so every moment would drip with his love for her, and no one wanted to ruin that, not when he'd spent restless nights over many months or even years, trying to find a way to condense it all into a single moment.

Jasper was the most likely person to scream, give the game away or just spontaneously combust, notorious for being flappable under pressure, but he set his lips into a solid line, silently nodding to Ray, whose eyes begged him not to mess this one up for him. He'd always proclaimed to be Captain Man's biggest fan and that he would do anything to help his boss. Now he could, by shutting up and standing calmly with his friends, something he swore to do.

This wasn't a Captain Man moment. This wasn't the time for delusions of grandeur, this was a man putting his heart on his sleeve and by god, he was gonna let it flow freely, for himself, for Ray, for (y/n), for their little family.

"Not a word..." Ray murmured to the group, his voice barely above a slight hum, but they heard it nonetheless and nodded once to show their understanding before shuffling back so the hero would have a bit of space.

There was still crap around the room, dirt trodden all over the floors, cables snaking around pretty much everything, scorch marks from where things had overheated and no one could ignore the partially melted, still smouldering time machine in the middle of the room. The place was a mess and not the heavenly scene he'd first imagined when picturing his proposal. A field of roses or four big words drawn into the sand on a scenic beach would've been more cliché, fairytale and intimate, but then again, would it?

He'd found that love was a feeling, not a place and he felt it at that moment, with her and his family, regardless of whether the Man Cave looked nice or not. He didn't need splendour. He just needed to do it when it felt right. And that was now.

"(y/n)..." He called her name shakily, cursing himself for sounding so clumsy and so evidently terrified, but she didn't pick up on it. To his tender surprise, the computer chair slowly turned around, her eyes lingering on the monitors for a few more seconds before she ripped them away, wanting to know what was up with her boyfriend more than whatever was flashing onscreen.

Her face was smiling pleasantly and, clearly, the anticipation was unexpected for her. The box was engulfed by his hand and gripped tightly in his palm so the velvet lining was hidden from view, so she just assumed he was asking if she wanted takeout or if Colin needed feeding. Something boring, something typical because why would he be proposing? This was crazy...

"Yeah? What do you need?"

"Do—Do you remember how we first met?" Ray started, the question falling from his lips before he could stop it and it visibly confused her faintly, a brief glimmer of perplexity in her eyes at such an odd thing to say. It was weird and totally unplanned, a surprise to both their friends and himself since he'd had a whole scenario in his head, all ready to go so he could stick to a structure and not get anything wrong.

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